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Property Information

Volko Hostal, is located at 7a.calle poniente Np. 15, Antigua Guatemala.

At your arrival at the property you will find a small plaza with restaurants and a craft beer store.

La Tasca restaurant is located at 2nd floor, with jacuzzi access for all of our guests.

Property Name: Volko Party Hostal

Street Address: 7a calle poniente No. 15

City : Antigua Guatemala - Sacatepequez

Postal Code : 03001

Phone: 502 40238134


  • Baggage storage
  • Concierge
  • Foreign currency exchange
  • Laundry service
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Bar
  • Cashless payment accepted
  • Hot Tub
  • Internet
  • Invoices
  • Lockers
  • No Children Allowed
  • Restaurant
  • Terrace

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 3:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :
No charge, if you cancel 1 day in advance.
If you cancel same day of arrival 1 night will be charge.
In Case of No Show 1 night will be charge
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