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It is the responsibility of the guest to include all transfer fees and charges to ensure that the property receives the full booking amount. Please follow the instructions on your email confirmation to complete the transfer.
If you choose bank transfer as your payment option, please find below our bank details:

Bank: Millenium BCP
Name: Plutoq lda
IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 4551 9781 313 05
Bank address: Rua Ferreira Borges, 60-68, Lisboa, 1350-133

We kindly ask you to send the bank confirmation to in order to confirm your reservation
Property Information

Inspired by Epicurus garden philosophy, our nature retreat in Serra d’Arrábida, was designed bearing your wellbeing in mind. Like the Epicurean garden, apart from the city, this private eco-friendly lodge with breathtaking ocean views celebrates pleasure as the principle for a happy and healthy way of living.

Choose your own experience and stay in one of the three rooms in the main house or one of the two eco houses, located on the premises. The exclusive ambiance and the sense of privacy will help you to breathe tranquility, slow down and enjoy life.

Property Name: Villa Epicurea

Street Address: Rua do Casalinho, 5A

City : Sesimbra - Setubal

Postal Code : 2970-052

Phone: +351961719755


  • Swimming pool
  • Air conditioning
  • Breakfast, free
  • Non-smoking rooms

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 15:00

Check-Out: 11:00

Property and Cancelation Policies :

Guest who needs to cancel a booking should contact us as soon as possible. Deposits already paid are only returned in accordance with the following conditions;

• Cancellation made 30 days or more in advance of arrival date = Full deposit refund
• Cancellation made between 29 and 16 days before of arrival date = 75% deposit refund
• Cancellation made between 15 and 2 days before of arrival date = 50% of deposit refund
• Cancellation made 48hrs or less of arrival date = No refund issued, the full amount of booking due

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By placing a booking with us (Villa Epicurea/Plutoq LDA) you (the lead guest) and your booking party (guests) agree to the following terms and conditions as
set out. During your stay, you agree to abide by the subsequent conditions as set out. If you have any questions about booking with us, please contact us before making a booking.

To place a booking with us the lead guest must be at least 18 years of age. The maximum number of staying guests per room is illustrated in the room occupancy details on the website. Where the person making the booking is different from the lead guest taking up the occupation, the person making the booking may be held responsible for cancellation, non-arrival and damages as set-out within. Only the lead guest and the named booking party are allowed to use the property and its facilities, any third-party visitors are only allowed access at our express permission.

To secure any booking we require a deposit to be paid in advance

Deposit payments must be 'cleared funds' before a booking can be confirmed. Deposits are only refundable under the conditions set-out here within.

Payments can be made online / over the phone using debit/credit card as well as by digital bank transfer or cash deposit. Any charges raised against us by our banks for handling bank transfers or any other payments must be reimbursed by the lead guest within seven (7) days of any request to do so.

All guests agree to respect the privacy and peace of all other staying guests, neighbours and Villa Epicurea
/Plutoq LDA staff at all times. We reserve the right to cancel a booking with immediate effect if guests are not honouring this agreement or causing a disturbance/nuisance to other guests, neighbours or staff.

Check-in & Check-out

Guests must check-in and check-out by the times stated below;

  • Check-in: from 15:00 pm to 6pm on the day of arrival
  • Check-out by: 11:00 am on the day of departure
Please note we do not have a 24h front desk. Therefore if you need to arrive after 6pm we kindly ask you to let us know in advance. For late check-ins after 8pm we charge a fee according to the below:
  • 8pm - 10pm: €25
  • 10pm - 1am: €35


Non-arrival guests, who are unable to attend or fail to attend for whatever reason forfeit their deposit paid and the full amount of the booking will be due. It is suggested that booking guest take out appropriate holiday/cancellation insurance where required.

In the rare event we need to cancel your booking with us, please be aware that we can not be held liable for circumstances beyond our control and that our liability to you is limited to the refund of any payment already made.

Cancellation Policies

Guest who needs to cancel a booking should contact us as soon as possible. Deposits already paid are only returned in accordance with the following conditions;
 • Cancellation made 30 days or more in advance of arrival date = Full deposit refund• Cancellation made between 29 and 16 days before of arrival date = 75% deposit refund• Cancellation made between 15 and 2 days before of arrival date = 50% of deposit refund• Cancellation made 48hrs or less of arrival date = No refund issued, the full amount of booking due 

Packages, Eco-experiences, Massages and other services.

To be able to provide you the service, we ask you to make a booking as early as you can. The time of service must be arranged by WhatsApp or by calling at (+351) 961719755 (WhatsApp is more preferable).
The booking is not considered to be made until the time of service is arranged
100% advance payment is required
If cancelled less than 48 hours before, then no refund issued, the full amount of booking due

WiFi Fair & Appropriate Usage

Please note that WiFi Internet access is provided only at our communal living room and not in any suite or eco-villa. Guests accept to use this access to the Internet fairly and appropriately. We may monitor network performance and user usage in order to maintain a fair and high level of service to all our guests.

Internet access provided is intended for general use such as access to the world wide web, email, messaging, social media, light video/music/ media streaming. It is not intended or ideally suited for heavy media streaming, online gaming, extensive downloads/uploads. Access to illegal activity or use of our network for illegal activity is prohibited and will be reported to local authorities.

Damages & Lost Property

We reserve the right to charge the lead guest for any damages caused through the course of a booking by any member of the booking party. This includes breakages, spillages, stains, damage to furniture or fixtures and fittings. Any accidental damages should be reported as soon as possible in order to minimise damage and associated costs. Lost keys/access cards will incur a replacement charge per key/card lost.

Any lost property, if discovered and found, left behind by guests during a stay will be held for a period of 1 month. While we will make our best efforts to reunite lost property with their owners we accept no responsibility in replacing lost items and encourage guests to ensure they have all their belonging before checking-out. We may offer to post lost items via recorded delivery at the cost of the property owner, otherwise, collection can be arranged.


Parties are not allowed at any time in the rooms. More than the allowed occupancy in a suite or Eco-Villa will be considered a party. We will give at least one notice prior to an eviction and/or calling local authorities, this policy may apply without notice in order to protect other hotel guests. Pool parties are not permitted at any time and use of the pool is for guests only. It is not allowed to use music speakers in all areas such as the pool, garden, living rooms, kitchen and terraces. If you want to listen to your music, please use headphones. We ask you to avoid any noise after 10 pm. Any noise complaints from other guests will be reported as a first notice. If a second notice is given, the hotel may telephone local authorities and/or cancel the guest's reservation. (General Noise Regulation - Decree-Law No. 9 of 2007)


Smoking of any tobacco products including, but not limited to cigarettes, pipes, cigars, snuff or chewing tobacco, is not allowed inside any suite, eco-villa
and the main house.

Pets & Service Dogs

Pets are only allowed in the eco-villas Garden and Sea with an extra charge of 10EUR per pet and per night. Pets are not allowed in any of the suites located in the main house.


On-site parking is provided
to guests and it is accepted that they park their vehicles at their own risk.
   Other important information We are very welcome to all guests, but please note that our villa’s area isn’t very suitable for people with reduced mobility. Please contact us if you have any doubts. Our natural swimming bio-pool is not heated and during winter months it can be quite refreshing.

Our Right To Cancellation

We reserve the right to cancel any booking without compensation, refund or reimbursement if the terms of these conditions are breached.

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