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Check-in location:
Hotel at Buen Camino Bike Park
From the Central Park in San Mateo, head towards Esparza on Route 131. Take Route 131 until you see a sign for Cabinas Adrianas, we are the next street and there is a white sign that says “Hotel” and black sign with the Buen Camino Bike Park information. You turn right there and go up the concrete road, through the gates at the top once it turns to concrete. At the gate you turn left, and as you continue driving, there will be a building on your left, this is not it. Continue going uphill and turn right - there is a sign and then you’ll see the string lights if you are driving at night or the pool area.

Waze is the best app to use for getting here! Just write in “Buen Camino Bike Park”.

Here are the directions from Google Maps (

Property Name: Buen Camino Hotel

Street Address: Finca Ecologica El Bosque

Apt, suite, floor etc. : 1 kilometro al este desde el parque de San Mateo sobre ruta 131

City : San Mateo - Alajuela

Postal Code : 20401

Contact Name: Alvaro Castillo

Phone: +506 7231 0429


  • Baggage storage
  • Concierge
  • Swimming pool
  • 24-hour check-in
  • Bar
  • Express check-in / check-out
  • Internet
  • Invoices
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Restaurant

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 3:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Late Check-out Hour: 11:00 AM

Late Check-out Fees: $50.00

Late check-out (after 11:00 AM and before 11:00 AM) may result in a fee.

Property and Cancelation Policies :
Please be confident in your travel plans when you book, and ensure you are diligent in reading our policies and requirements. We highly encourage utilizing travel insurance to ensure an additional layer of protection against financial loss due to unforeseen events before and during your trip.

Cancellations made within 48-hours from the reservation check-in date (3PM on the day of your arrival) will result in charges of one night's stay plus any applicable fees and taxes, regardless of circumstances. We will not issue refunds for changes of plans, cancellation of flights, road closures, sicknesses, exposures to COVID or anything that could possibly stand in the way of your travel to Buen Camino. Thank you for your understanding.

**All cancellation and amendment requests must be emailed to - or messaged to What’s App +506 7231-0429**
Reservations must be cancelled or amended via email or messaged in What’s App within the respective cancellation window in advance of check-in (3PM on the day of your arrival) to avoid penalty. Full refunds will be given for any reservations cancelled outside of the cancellation window. Reservations cancelled within the respective cancellation window will be charged one night’s stay plus any applicable fees and taxes. This cancellation policy is not applicable to non-refundable promotions, which will be charged in full upon booking. No adjustments to the number of beds or nights booked may be made inside the cancellation window without written approval.

Third party booking sites may have stricter cancellation windows, and the policy listed at the time of booking will be enforced. If the booking was made through a third party site, guests must cancel or amend it on the site where the booking was made to avoid any confusion or additional fees.

Tenga confianza en sus planes de viaje cuando reserve y asegúrese de leer diligentemente nuestras políticas y requisitos. Recomendamos encarecidamente utilizar un seguro de viaje para garantizar una capa adicional de protección contra pérdidas financieras debido a eventos imprevistos antes y durante su viaje.

Las cancelaciones realizadas dentro de las 48 horas posteriores a la fecha de check-in de la reserva (3:00 p. m. del día de su llegada) generarán cargos de una noche de estadía más las tarifas e impuestos aplicables, independientemente de las circunstancias. No emitiremos reembolsos por cambios de planes, cancelación de vuelos, cierres de carreteras, enfermedades, exposición a COVID o cualquier cosa que pueda interponerse en su viaje a The PAD. Gracias por su comprensión.

*Todas las solicitudes de cancelación y modificación deben enviarse por correo electrónico a o por mensaje a What’s App +506 7231-0429*
Las reservaciones deben cancelarse o modificarse por correo electrónico o mensaje en What's App dentro de la ventana de cancelación respectiva antes del check-in (3:00 p. m. del día de su llegada) para evitar multas. Se otorgarán reembolsos completos por cualquier reserva cancelada fuera del período de cancelación. A las reservas canceladas dentro del período de cancelación respectivo se les cobrará una noche de estadía más las tarifas e impuestos aplicables. Esta política de cancelación no es aplicable a promociones no reembolsables, que se cargarán íntegramente al realizar la reserva. No se podrán realizar ajustes en el número de camas o noches reservadas dentro del período de cancelación sin aprobación por escrito.

Los sitios de reserva de terceros pueden tener plazos de cancelación más estrictos y se aplicará la política indicada en el momento de la reserva. Si la reserva se realizó a través de un sitio de terceros, los huéspedes deben cancelarla o modificarla en el sitio donde se realizó la reserva para evitar confusiones o cargos adicionales.

Terms and Conditions

On-site restaurant and bar. 

Sunday/Domingo - 7am-9pm 
Monday/Lunes - 11am-9pm 
Tuesday/Martes - 11am-9pm 
Wednesday/Miércoles - 11am-9pm 
Thursday/Jueves - 11am-9pm 
Friday/Viernes - 11am-9pm  
Saturday/Sábado - 7am-9pm 

Pricing and Payment
Room rates are nightly and based on occupancies described in the room descriptions visible when booking. All room rates include at least double occupancies (2 adults). Taxes and fees are subject to change, are not displayed in the room rate, and will be applied to the total booking amount at checkout. We do not accept 3rd party payment. Credit or Debit cards used for reservation booking payment must belong to at least one of the guests staying in the party. To make a reservation a first night's deposit is charged to the payment method and the balance is collected close to check in. 

Buen Camino is not responsible in any way for lost, stolen or damaged items in the Cabinas or Casitas, or in any other public space on the property. 

If there should be any incident caused by a guest at any time resulting in financial losses or incurrences of Buen Camino, the guest will be responsible for these fees, payments or whatever costs are incurred. 

Factura Electronica

Cualquier solicitud de factura electrónica se debe solicitar al momento de reservar y se requerirá de: cédula jurídica ó cédula física, nombre de entidad o persona, correo electrónico, teléfono. NO es posible generar una factura electrónica si el huésped no lo indica antes de efectuar el pago. Buen Camino no se hace responsable si la información suministrada para la factura electrónica no es correcta. 

Minors and Children

Individuals under 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times while on the premises. 

Parking is limited at the Cabinas and Casitas and is on a first come first serve basis. There may be no more than (1) vehicle per Cabina or Casita in front of the unit. Please email if you're bringing a large vehicle and/or trailer so we can make arrangements for you in advance. There is a lot for additional cars by the lower pools, are a short walk from each unit. 

Dog Policy:

Dog-friendly rooms are available upon request, though they are limited and subject to availability.
Advance reservations are required by guests traveling with dogs by emailing prior to booking. All dogs must be registered with the front desk upon arrival. There is a $50 dog fee per pet per stay (2 dogs maximum). Guests keeping unregistered pets will be charged a $300.00 cleaning fee and may be asked to leave the premises, thereby forfeiting any and all prepaid costs. 

We want to ensure a great experience for all of our guests, including our furry ones! Dogs are not permitted to be left unattended in our Cabinas or Casitas; please arrange for a pet sitter or have plans to keep your dog with you. If pets are found left unattended in a room, or a complaint from other guests that there is a barking dog, a minimum of a $100 fee will be added to the reservation. 

Due to allergies, cats are not allowed in the Casitas or Cabinas.

While Emotional Support Animals or Comfort Animals are often used as part of a medical treatment plan as therapy animals, they are not considered service animals and will be subject to our pet fee.

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