Free Spirit Hostel settled in 2015 in a small beach town called El Transito, mid way in between Leon and Managua airport. Perfect surf conditions and a beautiful view from our Yoga deck makes this your perfect vacation destination. We offer different types of accommodation and with affordable packages including homemade food, surf and yoga classes in a beautiful beachfront location, Free Spirit Hostel will become the home for travelers longing for an active vacation and meeting likeminded people on the journey.
Property Name: Free Spirit Hostel Nicaragua
Street Address: De la escuela, 1 cuadra al oeste y 1 cuadra al norte
City : El Transito - Leon
Postal Code : 92103
Phone: +50558178425
Check-in/Check-out Policies
This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:
Check-In: 2:00 PM
Check-Out: 10:00 AM
Late Check-out Hour: 1:00 PM
Late Check-out Fees: $10.00
Late check-out (after 10:00 AM and before 1:00 PM) may result in a fee.
Property and Cancelation Policies :
Terms and Conditions
Surfboard Rental Terms & Conditions
- Responsibility – The renter is fully responsible for the surfboard during the rental period. Any damage, loss, or theft will be charged accordingly.
- Inspection – A staff member and the renter will inspect the board before and after use. Pre-existing damages will not be charged.
- Damage & Fees –
- Minor damages: Repair fees apply.
- Medium damages (cracks, fins boxes, fins): Repair costs will be charged
- Major damages (Broken board, snap board): Replacement costs will be charged
- Lost/stolen boards: Full replacement cost applies.
- By accepting the terms and conditions of Free Spirit Hostel Nicragua, the renter authorizes Free Spirit Hostel to charge any repair/replacement fees to their payment method.
- Proper Use –
- Surf responsibly and avoid conditions beyond your skill level.
- Do not leave the board unattended.
- Liability Waiver – Free Spirit Hostel is not responsible for injuries or accidents. Travel insurance covering water sports is recommended.