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Property Information

House of Grace Apartments is a gentle space resting in the quaint yet vibrantly rich village of Buccoo Point in Tobago.Escape to a fully contained haven that fulfils your desire for peace,comfort, tranquility and authenticity. Our facility is clean and subscribes to Eco standards. House of grace offers all amenities for a comfortable stay and is located a stone's throw away from major shopping  and health facilities. If therapy is your pursuit ,House of grace is staged in the village with the best strip of white sand beach and environmental marvels such as the Nylon Pool,Buccoo Reef and No Man's Land. Be sure to check out our liming spots along the Boardwalk.

Property Name: House of Grace Apartments

Street Address: #19 Chance Street

Apt, suite, floor etc. : Buccoo Point

City : Tobago - Tobago

Postal Code : 00000

Contact Name: Gracelyn Chance

Phone: +18682954955


Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 2:00 PM

Check-Out: 12:00 PM

Property and Cancelation Policies :
A cancellation should be done at least 1 week before expected arrival.Down Payment is valid for 3months thereafter.
Terms and Conditions

There shall be no smoking in the Facility.

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