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Property Information

Discover Santa Martha Bungalows

Located right on the beach in the picturesque town of Los Ayala, our cozy hotel offers a lodging experience of bungalows with kitchenettes that provide the ideal space for all family members to feel comfortable and enjoy quality time together.The hotel offers an outdoor swimming pool, comfortable lounge chairs on the beach, a restaurant with snacks and refreshing drinks, and 24/7 reception and parking so that your only occupation is to relax on the golden sand.At Santa Martha Bungalows, live an experience full of fun and family moments; discover the perfect destination for a vacation on the Riviera Nayarit!

Property Name: Santa Martha Bungalows

Street Address: Av. Coral #34 Esquina con Careyes

Apt, suite, floor etc. : Fracc Sol Nuevo

City : Compostela - Nayarit

Postal Code : 63724

Phone: +523112436938

Email: ventas@santamarthabungalows.com

  • Swimming pool
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Bar
  • Restaurant
  • Estacionamiento (sujeto a disponibilidad)

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 3:00 PM

Check-Out: 12:00 PM

Property and Cancelation Policies :
Reservation policies:    
A minimum of 50% of the total stay will be charged to the card provided at the time of booking.If your payment method is not valid, you will be contacted and you will have 24 hours to provide another card or send a bank deposit.If payment is not received within the stipulated period, your reservation will automatically be cancelled. 
In case of cancellations with less than 20 days notice or no-shows, the deposit is not refunded.                                                                  
Low season cancellation policies: No charge will be applied to people who cancel a minimum of 20 days before the day of arrival.People who cancel less than 19 days before arrival (or do No Show) will be charged 100% of the total amount of the reservation.
Special policies for Holidays and High Season: 
  • Cancellations during high season (Christmas, New Year's, Easter, Easter Week, Thanksgiving, July and August Summer Vacation and national holidays such as September 15 and 16, February 5, March 21, May 5, moto fiesta, expos, festivals and long weekends), will result in charge of the total amount of the reservation.  
  • If the entire stay is not covered, there are no refunds. 
  • Premature departure from the hotel due to force majeure will be considered a cancellation, and there will be no refunds.
  • If you have any questions regarding these policies, please get in touch with us immediately at (311) 243 69 38 or email: ventas@santamarthabungalows.com
Terms and Conditions

Lodging Policies:
The Internal Regulations bind SANTA MARTHA BUNGALOWS with an address at Coral Avenue #34 South Fraccionamiento Sol Nuevo. Compostela, Nayarit. as well as the guests who contract its services:      

  • The check-in time is set at 3:00 p.m., and the check-out and vacating time is set at 12:00 p.m. each day. Any guest staying longer will be charged $300.00, with a maximum tolerance of 60 minutes. Please notify the front desk if you wish to change your check-out date.   
  • The hotel assumes no responsibility for outside contracted services such as cabs, dry cleaning, or medical services.          
  • The hotel is not responsible for objects left inside the Santa Martha Bungalows facilities. Only those objects left by a guest in the common areas and hallways will remain in the custody of the hotel administration for 30 days; after this period and in the absence of any claim, they will be discarded. 
  • When a guest uses the hotel parking lot, he/she must place his/her car appropriately; the establishment is not responsible for partial damage or total theft of the vehicle or objects left inside it. Any vehicle not registered at the front desk will be removed from the parking lot.       
  • No user has the right to give lodging to another person without prior registration and payment of the corresponding fee per extra person; in any case, the related procedures for registering and paying the respective lodging fee must be carried out.
  • If a guest becomes ill, the establishment's front desk shall call the doctor, and he may be treated in his room; if the illness is contagious for reasons not attributable to the establishment, the guest shall be transferred at his own expense to the appropriate place. 
  • Guests are not allowed to have any animals in the room, except for assistance animals, as long as the corresponding documents proving it are presented. 
  • All guests are obliged to leave the doors, windows, and water faucets closed when leaving their rooms and return the room keys to the administration.
  • Using furniture, clothes, and other service objects shall be rational and moderate, taking due care of them. In case of irreparable damage, the card left as a guarantee will be charged.       
  • Guests must behave with decency and morality within the establishment, and it is forbidden to disturb the order by making noises that bother or disturb other guests and to use the room to perform any act or game prohibited by law. 
  • In providing services by this hotel, there will be no discrimination for reasons of sex, political creed, religion, nationality, or social status. 
  • The establishment can deny its services when the guest is in a state of drunkenness, under the influence of drugs or narcotics, or when it is intended to give use different from the lodging service.        
  • Bottles and glass items are prohibited in the pool and bar areas.       
  • Kitchen utensils must remain inside the kitchenette of the rooms to avoid their loss and be charged to the guest's account.      
  • The entrance to the pool of musical groups (bands, norteños, mariachi, etc.) to liven up a meeting or celebration must be notified to the management for approval; otherwise, you will be penalized economically. This is due to the inconvenience that may be caused to other guests.      
  • The entrance of food from chains or restaurants near the pool bar and hotel pool is prohibited. Only light food prepared inside the rooms may be brought into these areas.       
  • Failure by the guest to comply with these Internal Lodging Regulations will cause the termination of the lodging contract without legal responsibility for the company.

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