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O Kauli Seadi Beach Hotel  veio com uma proposta de aliar conforto e conveniência para os praticantes de kitesurf que querem desfrutar da praticidade de se hospedar bem pertinho do pico em que velejam! Já imaginou, poder olhar a condição de velejo da varanda do seu quarto?   Porém, não se engane: o nosso Hotel não é restrito aos velejadores! Todos são muito bem vindos ao Kauli Seadi Beach Hotel, e tenha certeza que ao se hospedar conosco você terá o privilégio de estar em contato íntimo com a natureza, sentindo na pele o verdadeiro significado de estar no Nordeste, pertinho da praia e com uma vista de tirar o fôlego!   Além da excelente localização próxima a  praia, oferecemos a vantagem de estar anexo ao  “Kite Center Kauli Seadi”, além de aulas, aluguel e guarderia de kitesurf, windsurf e wingfoil dispõe de um delicioso restaurante e uma lojinha com tudo que você precisa para curtir suas férias na praia. E o melhor é que nossos hóspedes podem usufruir de todos os serviços, abrindo uma conta e pagando apenas no check out!
O Kauli Seadi Beach Hotel dispõe de cinco tipos de quartos:
-> Bangalo Standard: com vista para o jardim, sem TV. 
-> Bangalo Supreme: com vista parcial mar
-> Bangalo Deluxe : com vista parcial mar e banheira de hidromassagem
-> Bangalô Master: 
com vista jardim, piscina privativa, banheira de hidromassagem e ducha dupla.
-> Bangalô Família: com vista jardim, piscina privativa, duas suítes, a principal com banheira de hidromassagem e ducha dupla. 

Nosso café da manhã é carinhosamente preparado por nossas cozinheiras, com inúmeras opções de frutas tropicais, pães fresquinhos feitos na nossa cozinha, sucos refrescantes, tapiocas e omeletes recheados,  bolos e confeitos saborosos também confeccionados por nós, e muitas outras opções gostosas e saudáveis para você começar seu dia bem!

Property Name: Kauli Seadi Beach Hotel

Street Address: Cam. Comunidade Monte Alegre 253

Apt, suite, floor etc. : Monte Alegre

City : São Miguel do Gostoso - Rio Grande do Norte

Postal Code : 59585-000

Phone: +55 (84) 996892433


  • Room service
  • Swimming pool

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 2:00 PM

Check-Out: 12:00 PM

Property and Cancelation Policies :
RESERVATIONS: Thereservation is made by payment of 50% of the total daily rate and confirmedafter the confirmation of the charge on the customer's credit card. Then, abooking confirmation is sent by email. * We consider the RESERVATION EFFECTIVEonly after proof of payment for 50% of the total value of the combined package.The remaining payment is made at check-in, on arrival. In case of earlydeparture of the contracted rates, the debit amount must be paid in full.CANCELLATIONS: We do not refund amounts paid as a reservation guarantee. If younotify the cancellation up to 30 days before the first day of the reservation,you will receive the total amount paid of the reservation in credit (in dailyrates) to be used for the same service booked at the KAULI SEADI BEACH HOTEl,for 1 year, according to the availability (credit is not valid on CHRISTMAS,NEW YEAR'S, CARNIVAL, HOLIDAYS AND HOLIDAYS packages). If you communicate thecancellation between 29 and 15 days before the day of the first day of thereservation, it is allowed to use 50% of the total amount paid in credit (indaily rates) to be used at the KAULI SEADI BEACH HOTEL for 1 year, according tothe availability (credit is not valid for CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR'S, CARNIVAL,HOLIDAYS AND HOLIDAYS). Cancellations between 14 and 1 day before the first dayof the reservation do not allow a refund or credit. Non-attendance on the daysof the reservation will result in the loss of the total amount paid. In theevent of partial cancellation of the contracted days, any difference from theamount previously paid, whether in cash or credit for accommodation or otherservices, will not be refunded. If there is an outstanding balance of thecontracted package, the client must pay it at the entrance of the hotel.RESERVATIONS FOR PACKAGES AND HOLIDAYS: Reservations for holiday packages, whenmade before 30 days prior to arrival, are also made upon payment of 50% of thetotal daily rate, however the remaining 50% must be paid up to 30 days beforethe day of arrival. If the reservation is being made between 30 and 1 daybefore check-in, full payment of the amount of the stay must be made at thetime of booking. Reservation confirmations will be made by sending a receipt bye-mail, and then a reservation confirmation will be sent by e-mail. If paymentfor the reservation (for holiday packages) is not fully paid up to 30 daysbefore arrival, the reservation will be automatically canceled, withoutrefunds. CANCELLATIONS FOR PACKAGES AND HOLIDAYS: For cancellations ofreservations for packages of holidays, made 1 day before check-in, there willbe no refunds. WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT CANCELLATION: “NO SHOW” Non-attendancewithout prior written notice within the deadlines described in this document,on the expected date of arrival, will be considered a “no-show” (withdrawalwithout cancellation ). The vacancy will remain available for 12 hours from thetime of entry. After this period, the reservation will be canceled (with 100%retention of the amount paid), making the vacancy available to anotherinterested party. THERE WILL BE NO REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR BOOKINGOR CREDIT FOR ANOTHER DATE. WITHDRAWAL AFTER ENTRY: Withdrawal from the stayafter checking in, at the entrance to the inn, as well as early departure,mainly due to a change in time, or for any other reason, WILL NOT ENSURE ANY TYPEOF REFUND, REFUND IN MONEY OR CREDIT IN NEW DATES, resulting in the total lossof the amount paid for the accommodation package or daily. The change of booking dates must always respectthe availability of vacancies at the inn and dates agreed by it. On specialdates, we will not make changes, especially on CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR'S, CARNIVAL,EXTENDED HOLIDAYS AND HOLIDAYS packages. CHECK IN AND CHECK OUT TIMES:Reservations and daily rates start at 2 pm on the day of check in and alwaysend at 12 noon on the day of check out, regardless of the time of CHECK-IN.LATE CHECK OUT: The stay at the inn on the day of the end of the reservationafter 12:00 (twelve hours) will only be possible after prior verification, withthe reception, about availability after this time. If not confirmed, guestsstaying after 12:00 on the day of check out will incur another daily rate.ONLY MAKE THEPAYMENT IF YOU AGREE TO THE ABOVE ITEMS. With this, we aim to maintain ourstandard of quality in service, without losses for the hotel and the customer.COVID 19 CANCELLATIONS: In case of contamination close toyour trip (up to 15 days before your stay), we ask that you send us the PCRTest that proves that you are positive for COVID, so you will receive theamount paid for your reservation in credit ( in daily rates) to be used for thesame service booked at the KAULI SEADI BEACH HOTEL, for 1 year, according toavailability (credit is not valid for CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR, CARNIVAL, HOLIDAYSAND HOLIDAYS).
Terms and Conditions

Children up to 5 years old are free - only 1 free child perroom is allowed. Children, when sleeping in a bed, even when free of charge,must be considered in the total number of guests allowed in the room. When a crib is needed, please request itin writing at the end of the reservation (subject to availability).Free Wi-Fi(sometimes the internet is weak or doesn't work). We only have 1 provider inthe city.Check-in can bedone from 14 p.m., and check-out until 12 a.m. Early check-inand late check-out must be requested in advance (and confirmed by the hotel),additional charges may apply. Early departure will imply full payment of thereserved period, with no right of refund or reduction of values.Breakfast:included in the daily rate and served daily from 7:30 am to 10:00 am in thebreakfast area. For services during extraordinary hours, please check inadvance at reception. The cleaning time of the suite is until 14:00.It is not allowedto consume food/drinks brought by the guest in the common areas of the inn, orto replace food in the minibar, it is stocked daily at the time of cleaning theaccommodation.Pool hours are from 8 am to 9 pm. It is forbidden to use thepool for children under 12 years old without the presence of their guardians;It is not allowed to take towels from the suites to the pooland beach, we provide one towel per guest per day for this purpose; and in caseof loss, a fee of R$ 100.00 per towel will be charged. Each guest will receivea card, which entitles them to exchange for one pool towel per day, atreception. The guest will receive the card back upon handing over the towel,also at the reception. Upon checkout, the guest must return this card again, or the loss fee will be charged.For securityreasons, access to the suites and other dependencies is strictly prohibited forpeople who are not staying at the inn. If the guest receives visits, they mustremain at the reception of the inn.It is forbiddento smoke inside the suites, if this occurs, cleaning and deodorization feeswill be charged.We requestmaximum silence in the suites and other facilities of the inn, especiallybetween 9 pm and 7 am.The inn has safesin all suites, so it is not responsible for valuables left in the apartment; incase of loss of the safe key, a fee of R$ 250.00 will be charged. definitelystains sheets and towels).We kindly ask younot to extend clothes or towels on the windows or balconies of the suite (forthis, please use the private box); not to throw any objects through thewindows, as well as not to move any furniture from the place without priorapproval.We emphasize thatour Hotel is inserted in the middle of nature. Visits of animals from the faunaof the city of São Paulo may appear in our facilities, such as: timbu, cavy,snake, marmosets...Attention withthe card and suite key, in case of loss, a fee of R$ 250.00 will be charged foreach card; Objects forgotten on the premises of the inn will be kept for up to30 (thirty) days, for sending by post, the full amount required must bedeposited in advance; The use of parking is optional for all guests, as long asit is reserved in advance or verified at check-in. It is up to the guest toplace or remove their vehicle from the parking lot. Parking is at no extracost. Guests are not allowed to park their vehicle in front of the inn, asthese spaces are for boarding and disembarking only. The inn is not responsiblefor possible inconveniences that the guest may have as a result of thepermanence of their vehicle in such place.The entry andpermanence of animals in any of the inn's dependencies is prohibited.The inn has avoltage of 220v, before turning on your device, make sure that.As provided forin the Statute of Children and Adolescents (Law 8.069/90 arts. 82 and 250,Brazil), it is prohibited to lodge a child or adolescent in a hotel, motel,pension or similar establishment, unless authorized or accompanied by theparents or guardian. duly identified and authorized in writing andauthenticated by a notary's office. Children or minors under 18 years of agemust present an identity document (RG) and birth certificate at check-in(entry) and must be accompanied by their parents, legal guardians or haveauthorization from the juvenile court, if they are in the company of anotherperson. The Pousada is not responsible for minors left alone and/orunaccompanied by their parents or legal guardians on the premises.

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