Village Lodge offers comfortable and affordable accommodation for all travellers in our Harrismith Guest House.
Property Name: Village Lodge Harrismith
Street Address: 1 Stuart Street
City : Harrismith - Free State
Contact Name: Martha Mbethe
Phone: +27 (76) 423-4099
Check-in/Check-out Policies
This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:
Check-In: 2:00 PM
Check-Out: 10:00 AM
Late Check-out Hour: 3:00 PM
Late Check-out Fees: 50%
Late check-out (after 10:00 AM and before 3:00 PM) may result in a fee.
Property and Cancelation Policies :
Full Charge - Full Deposit - If canceled within 2 days of arrival
Partial Charge - 50% of Deposit - If canceled within 7 days of arrival
No Charge - If canceled within 30 days of arrival
Terms and Conditions
General Indemnity
Whilst care has been taken by Village Lodge Harrismith to ensure the general safety of guests and their possessions whilst enjoying our accommodation, the owners do not accept any liability in the event that any injury, loss or damage to persons or property is experienced by a guest, his children and / or their visitors. It is the sole responsibility of the guest to ensure the safekeeping of his party, their assets and their general wellbeing. Should anything be unclear, the Guest undertakes to contact the manager for assistance at his earliest convenience.
Loss or Damage to Village Lodge Harrismith
Should Village Lodge Harrismith suffer any loss or damage as a direct result of an act or omission by a guest or visitor of a guest, the guest may be held liable for full reimbursement of such loss or damage incurred and will be charged accordingly.
Right of Admission Reserved
Village Lodge Harrismith at all times reserves the full right of admission and accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may result from the legal and reasonable exercising of such rights.
For the comfort of our guests, Village Lodge Harrismith is a strictly non smoking accommodation establishment. Smoking in any of our rooms will lead to a R1,750 penalty charge, which amount will be utilised to deep cleanse the room in an attempt to remove traces of smoking.
Room Abuse
We have taken great care in providing our guests with clean rooms. Any guests who abuse the rooms in any manner, leaving them in an unreasonably dirty or spoiled state, will be charged a R1,750 penalty charge which amount will be utilised to deep cleanse the room in an attempt to return it to its original condition.
Minors are the sole responsibility of the parents, guardian(s) or the person or persons in whose care they are whilst at Village Lodge Harrismith or whilst using its facilities.
Dishes and cleaning
We give our apartments a good clean after every check out. We even give your apartment a light clean every day. However, our apartments are self catering so we ask that you wash your own dishes. Guests who dash with dirty dishes my be charged a R170 dish washing fee after checkout.