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Hostel Honeycomb is located at the iconic viewpoint of Tops, which features Cebu’s only 360 view of its tri-cities and beautiful mountain landscape. Just at your doorstep you will find ‘The Circle’ which holds Cebu’s best restaurants, cafés, bars, and souvenir shops; entry of which is free for all our guests. Your unique stay includes a nomad co-working space, comfortable dorm beds with reading lights, gym, communal inside and outside area. Here at Hostel Honeycomb, we love to see our bees entertained and socialising, so we have activities such as live music, quiz nights and games planned. Be sure to book a stay with us and vibe with the hive soon!

Property Name: Hostel Honeycomb Cebu

Street Address: Cebu Tops Rd

Apt, suite, floor etc. : Hostel Honeycomb

City : cebu - Cebu

Postal Code : 6000

Contact Name: Michael Pato

Phone: +639177210923


Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 2:00 PM

Check-Out: 12:00 PM

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