Backpackers Hostel on Beaufort Street in Perth, Northbridge. Next to parks, Mcdonalds, Woolworths, buses and trains.
Property Name: Emu Backpackers Perth
Street Address: 238 Beuafort Street
City : Perth - Western Australia
Postal Code : 6000
Contact Name: Dale Windus
Phone: 0488 946 148
Check-in/Check-out Policies
This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:
Check-In: 2:00 PM
Check-Out: 10:00 AM
Property and Cancelation Policies :
Full Charge - Full Stay - If canceled within 127 days of arrival
Terms and Conditions
- Non-refundable rates even if you change your mind or plans. We will however allow you to use the nights credit in the future at our discretion.
- Require a VALID PASSPORT to check-in only
- Check out by 10am or may risk losing $20 bond.