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A fully remodeled and perfectly upkept motel and campsite within walking distance to the beautiful shores of the Bay in Door County! We offer great rates,  and a like home feel for your vacation! With a beautiful but short drive you can be in the heart of Sturgeon bay, loaded with some of the best dinning experiences, shopping and sights to see in the heart of Door CO.

Property Name: Countryside Motel and RV Sites

Street Address: 3145 stevenson Pier Circle

City : Sturgeon Bay - Wisconsin

Postal Code : 54235

Phone: 9203331030


  • Air conditioning
  • Contactless check-in / check-out
  • Game room
  • Heating
  • Internet
  • Invoices
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Arcade

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 3:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :
Cancelation policy:
Free cancellation if stay is cancelled within 72 hours of the arrival date.  
If the stay is cancelled between 25-71 hours of the arrival date - 50% of the reservation total will be charged. 
The entire total will be changed if cancellation request occurs within 24 hours of the arrival date. 

Terms and Conditions

Reservation Policy:
A credit card on file is required to hold your reservation. Your reservation is guaranteed until the day of arrival. After that time, it will no longer be guaranteed and the room may be reassigned.  The hotel has the right to cancel your reservation at anytime.  Must be 21 years or older to book.

Check In / Check Out:
Check In: You can check in anytime after 3:00 pm CST. You will be sent the room number and door code morning of check it. The Motel and RV sites are not staffed 24 hours a day. 
Check Out: You can check-out any time up until 11AM by local time. Later check-out times may berequested although we may not always be able to accommodate late changes and will depend on availability and on how busy we are.

Cancellation Policy:
Free cancellation if stay is cancelled within 72 hours of the arrival date.  
If the stay is cancelled between 25-71 hours of the arrival date - 50% of the reservation total will be charged. 
The entire total will be changed if cancellation request occurs within 24 hours of the arrival date. 

Smoking Policy:
Motel rooms are non-smoking. This applies to both traditional smoking methods and all electronic delivery systems, including vapes, vaporizers, vape pens, hookah pens, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or e-cigs), e-pipes, and any variations of the foregoing regardless of the product’s name. Any evidence of smoking or strong lingering smoking scents in rooms will result in a disappointed look and a $200 room cleaning fee

During your stay, the apartment and all equipment and furniture should be treated with care and kept in order. You (The Tenant) is financially responsible for any damage to the property. This includes losses caused by you (The Tenant) or a third party negligent actions and behavior. A summary check will be made during cleaning of the room. However, a more detailed review of the condition of the motel room and all equipment and facilities will be made soon after check-out and before another guest occupies the space. The Tenant is responsible for any damages or breakages found that are over and above normal wear and tear and usage. In this case, a detailed statement of damage along with an invoice for therepair or replacement cost will be sent by email. 

Standard Booking Price:
The Standard Booking price includesthe following:

  • All taxes
  • Utilities (water, gas and electricity)
  • Internet and Cable TV usage
  • Towels, bed linen
  • Cleaning before and after your stay
Important: When you make a reservation, you are booking a motel room or RV site. Each motel room type includes similar rooms of similar size and equipment, however, interior design can be different. Reservations can only be taken and confirmed making a full paymet. This can bepaid using debit and credit card.We will process your booking within 48hours of receiving your request. Please note, your booking has not been made orverified until you receive a confirmation email from
Please Note: Immediate termination of the rental agreement is possible if: 
  • More guests stay in the property than agreed upon
  • Excessive noise is made in the evening hours or at night. Including pets barking.
Extending Your Stay:
After you have booked your stay with us, you can extend your stay (depending onavailability) by simply letting us know before you arrive.
If you arealready staying with us and you would like to stay longer, please let us knowat least 24 hours before your check- out date. We will do our best to accommodate your new plans and this can include relocating you to a similarapartment should this be necessary.

Children Policy:
One childunder 1 years old stays free of charge. Pack and Plays may be available for anadditional charge, depending on availability.

Pet Policy:
Are we pet friendly? You bet! Amaximum of two pets are allowed per room for an additional fee per pet. Justmake sure your furry friends do their business in the designated area and stayon a leash when outside the room. No rogue poppers. Pets cannot be leftunattended in rooms at any time. Excessive barking can result in immediatetermination of your stay without refund.  Should your furry friend have a potty accidentin the room, a cleaning fee will be charged to the credit card on file in theamount of $100. Should your pet cause property or item damage, an incidentalfee will be charged at market value to your credit card on file. No cats orvenomous creatures.

Room Policy:
We want you to have a great time whenyou are here. But if things get too crazy, we go by the old-school rule of ‘youbreak it, you buy it’ and property damages or missing items will be charged toyour credit card at market value.Pre-existing damages or room issues must be reported immediately after registration to avoid responsibility andpotential charges. The hotel allows guests, with permission, to receiveoccasional packages and special deliveries at the property.We are not responsible for thepackages or their contents or the storage of them. Sing your heart out and havepassionate conversation all day long, but from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. thewhole property goes into hush mode for what we like to call quiet time (orsleep time).

Kitchenette Room Policy:
Pleasepractice safe cooking habits do not leave burners on unattended. Please do notcook with strong smelling ingredients. Lingering smells that require roomclosure and deep cleans will be charged a cleaning fee of up to $200.

Parking Policy:
Vacations should be stress-free andfor that reason, you get to park right in front of your room (or super close).By parking a vehicle at our facility, you (and your guests) are doing so onyour own accord. The hotel does not take responsibility or accept liability fordamage, accident or loss to your vehicle, boats, RVs, or personal property.But guess what? We’ve gotstate-of-the-art surveillance cameras watching over the parking lot so, shouldanything seem amiss, let us know, and we’ll check out the footage. And if youplan on leaving your car in our parking lot for a while, not problem, just letus know, as we reserve the right to tow vehicles.

Minimum Age Policy:
All guests must be 21 years or older to confirm guestroom accommodations at Countryside Motel and RV Sites. A valid photo ID may be requested at any time. 

Room Cleaning Policy:
Room refreshes will not be offered during stays. Should you need fresh towels orlinen, please contact us at

Firearm Policy:
No firearms are allowed on thepremise. Guests who fail to abide by this policy may be asked to leave thehotel premises, without refund. The hotel premises are private property, andour firearms policy applies to: (i) all firearms, regardless of whether thefirearm is a handgun or a long-barreled gun; and (ii) all guests and visitors,even those possessing a valid license or permit to carry a firearm.The only exception to the restrictionsdescribed in this firearms policy statement is for law enforcement officers anddesignated military personnel, who are on-duty and required to carry firearmsin the performance of their duties.

Guest Safety Policy:
As part of our commitment to guest safety, employees will not disclose the identity, room number or presence of aguest to anyone other than appropriate law enforcement. This includes thetaking of or delivery of messages or indirect forwarding of phone calls. It isthe responsibility of guests to communicate their presence and room number toany person they wish to receive calls or visits from.Safety cameras are used throughout thepremises, and anyone on our property may be recorded. Countryside Motel and RVSites assumes no responsibility for any personal bodily injury incurred whileusing on the premises.

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