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Contact Information

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Payment Method

Secure Online Payment Learn More
It is the responsibility of the guest to include all transfer fees and charges to ensure that the property receives the full booking amount. Please follow the instructions on your email confirmation to complete the transfer.
Transfer 30% of your reservation to some of the following accounts and send us the receipt to the following WhatsApp +5492902451754 or to the email:
-Banco Nación Argentina CBU 0110735930073501446979 Alias ​​​​martu.mabe.kaiken (account in Argentine pesos)
- Mercado Pago cvu 0000003100074178025354 Alias ​​​​kaiken.martina
-Prex cvu account Argentine pesos 0000013000032111070421
-USD Account Banco Hipotecario CBU 0440045520000208497341 Alias ​​​​GOMA.PASTO.MANO

Once we confirm your payment we will receive confirmation of your reservation.
Property Information

Kaiken, ambiente càlido y hogareño. Hostel es màs bien una casa de montaña y los  4 Departamentos  acogedor con todo equipamientos ncecesarios  para tu estadìa, todos tienen entradas independientesy privadas al hostel; cada Departamento cuenta con cocina con horno, un dormitorio y  un baño  privado. Ubicado al piè del sendero al Torre.

Property Name: Hostel & Departamentos Kaiken

Street Address: Llao Llao 75

City : El Chaltén - Santa Cruz

Contact Name: Martina Mabel Rios

Phone: +54 2902 45-1754


  • Baggage storage
  • Concierge
  • Foreign currency exchange
  • Buzzer / wireless intercom
  • Carbon monoxide detector
  • Common areas disinfected daily
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Guest accommodations disinfected between stays
  • Heating
  • Internet
  • Library
  • Local safety protocols followed
  • Lockers
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Shared kitchen
  • Smoke alarms
  • Tour Assistance
  • Towels changed upon request

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 2:00 PM

Check-Out: 10:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :
If you cancel before 48 hours, the advance payment is returned, less bank and/or platform administrative fees. After 48 hours there is no refund of the amount paid.
Terms and Conditions

Smoking is not allowed inside the accommodation.Pets are not accepted, since it is prohibited to travel on the park's trails with dogs; It is a Parks policy to preserve fauna (they scare away Huemules, which are animals in danger of extinction); If you find them committing this personal infraction, Parks charges them a fine.Quiet hours 11 PM to 7 AMYou can check out later, but always with prior authorization depending on availability.For check-in before 2 PM, you can leave your suitcases if the room or apartment is not ready yet.If you require assistance after 3 PM, we are located 30 meters right at the foot of the trail to Laguna Torre (Llao LLao 65 corner Los Charitos)

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