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It is the responsibility of the guest to include all transfer fees and charges to ensure that the property receives the full booking amount. Please follow the instructions on your email confirmation to complete the transfer.
Please transfer 50% of the total amount or the above balance due as downpayment to the following bank details:

Bank name: Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co.
Account Name: BUTANDING INC.
Bank transit/branch number: MBTCPHMM
Bank Account Number: 216-7-216002500
Address: Metrobank Cebu Mango Branch, Gen. Maxilom Ave. Cebu City

We will confirm your booking once we receive proof of payment.

Please send your proof of payment to
Property Information

Property Name: Burgos Reef Boutique Resort

Street Address: Bato-Bontoc Road, Lungsodaan

City : Padre Burgos - Southern Leyte

Postal Code : 6602

Contact Name: Front Desk

Phone: +639154617608


Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 3:00 PM

Check-Out: 12:00 PM

Property and Cancelation Policies :
If the guest cancel 7 days or less,  non re-bookable  and non-refundable
If the guest cancel more than 7 days but not more than 15 days,  re-bookable but non refundable
Terms and Conditions

Check-in Check-out Time
  • Check-in time is at 3:00 PM. Check-out time is at 12:00 PM.
  • If a guest checks out later than the 12:00 PM check-out time, a half-day charge will be applied. All requests for late check-outs must be advised at least 24 hours prior to your expected departure date at the Front Desk and based on availability.

Restaurant Hours
  • Our restaurant is open every Monday to Thursday and Sunday from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 
  • Friday and Saturday from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

Complimentary Breakfast

  • Complimentary breakfast is served from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM daily.
  • Take-away breakfast is allowed during these hours ONLY.

Room Cleaning
  • Our housekeeping services have been designed to provide guests with privacy and flexibility. Light-touch housekeeping is done between 9:00 AM-11:00 AM and 2:00 PM-5:00 PM only. This is includes the replacement of used towels, emptying of trash, replenishing of water, tea, and toiletries (if needed), sweeping, and making up your bed. Changing of sheets are done on the 3rd night of stay.

Noise and Quiet Hours
  • To respect other guests in the property, we have a strict “No Party” policy in all guest rooms. Our quiet time starts at 10:00 PM - 7:00 AM.

  • For everyone’s safety, all rooms, verandas, balconies, and pool deck are non-smoking areas as Burgos Reef is surrounded by some flammable materials. Please smoke in our designated smoking areas ONLY.

Outside Food
  • Outside food is not allowed in the restaurant area. Should you wish to eat take-out food from other restaurants or your personal snacks, you may do so on your balcony or veranda.

  • In case of visitors, please notify the front desk. Upon their arrival, they must leave 1 valid ID. There is an occupancy limit for all guest rooms. No visitors allowed after 8pm.

  • Umbrellas are available for our in-house guests to use. Should you need to borrow one, please notify the front desk. Umbrellas must be turned over to the front desk prior to check out. Lost umbrellas will be charged PHP 1,500.00.

Room Keys
  • Room keys must be surrendered to the front desk when leaving the resort. Lost keys will be charged Php 1,500.00.

  • Each room is e 2 quipped with a safety deposit box. Please keep all valuables in it. Burgos Reef Boutique Resort is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. 

  • Hanging towels and clothes on balconies are prohibited. Please use the outdoor racks provided.

Ceiling Fan
  • To turn on the ceiling fan, press the speed number button. To turn it o 3 , press the power button once.

  • Each room is e 3 quipped with a Smart TV. Cable channels are available.

Lights and Appliances
  • We encourage everyone to conserve energy. Although our lights and most appliances are energy-efficient, please turn OFF your lights, ceiling fan, and AC when leaving the room.

  • Plumbing on the island is very sensitive. Please throw tissue paper, paper towels, feminine products, and wipes in the trash bin provided.

In case of Fire
  • All rooms are equipped with a smoke detector and re extinguisher. In case of a re, please notify personnel as soon as possible.

24-Hour Security
  • Burgos Reef Boutique Resort has 24 hour security that rove the entire resort. In case of evening emergencies, you may reach the guard by calling the front desk at +63915-461-7608.

Prohibited Items and Activities
  • For everyone’s safety and protection, bringing in any hazardous items to Burgos Reef Boutique Resort such as, but not limited to illegal drugs, rearms, and weapons are strictly prohibited. Likewise, all illegal activities such as, but not limited to all forms of gambling and prostitution are strictly prohibited and will be reported to the proper authority. You will also be asked to leave the premises and no refund will be given.

Right to Refuse Service
  • Burgos Reef Boutique Resort is privately owned and operated. The management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

Lost or Damaged Items
  • Guests will be solely liable and responsible for all lost or damaged items in their rooms such as but not limited to towels, linens, and other fixtures. Guests will be charged accordingly.

  • Pets are not allowed on the premises of Burgos Reef Boutique Resort

Pool Rules
  • Please shower before entering the pool. 
  • Guests must wear proper swimming attire. 
  • No diving. 
  • No rough play.
  • The pool is open at 8AM and closes at 10PM.

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