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Property Information

Shafer Lakeside Resort resides on beautiful Lake Shafer in Monticello, Indiana on the path to Indiana Beach boardwalk resort.  Our property includes direct water access including multiple docks for personal watercraft.  We are a pet friendly, well maintained and updated hotel offering a relaxing atmosphere and multi-level deck views for your stay.  We strive for your complete satisfaction and look forward to having you visit!

Property Name: Shafer Lakeside Resort

Street Address: 4925 East Indiana Beach Road

City : Monticello - Indiana

Postal Code : 47960

Phone: (630) 946-3008


Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 4:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :
Non-refundable first night, remaining deposit refundable if cancelled within 24 hours of reservation
Terms and Conditions

Website Use allows you to search for the availability and rates of hotels and rooms of your choice at dates defined by you for a specific number of travelers.
Prices and taxes
All prices displayed on the Shafer Lakeside website are current and are valid for all bookings made via the reservation system of Shafer Lakeside Resort.
Complimentary late check-outs are subject to availability. Hotels reserve the right to discontinue the offer at any time. Obvious errors and mistakes (including misprints) are not binding.
Accommodation Payment
If you make a booking through Shafer Lakeside’s online reservation system the accommodation contract comes into effect between you and the hotel. You pay the confirmed price upon reservation confirmation. Rates available and any booking made via the reservation system can’t be combined with other offers or promotions.

Cancellations made prior to 24 hours of reservation date will receive refund minus 1 night non-refundable payment.  Any cancellation made within the24-hour window will be charged at full price for the reservation period.
Guest Responsibility
Guests are fully responsible for any damages including damage made by pets in the room and on the property.  A full charge of damage resolution will be submitted via CC on file.  Any guest smoking in the room will incur a $100 cleaning fee paid immediately via CC on file.
- In case of intent or gross negligence on part of Shafer Lakeside Resort or by its agents or vicarious agents shall be liable according to the provisions of applicable law. The same applies in case of breach of an essential contractual obligation (an obligation that must be fulfilled to enable the correct execution of the agreement and which the customer may usually trust and may trust that it will be fulfilled); however, to the extent such breach was unintentionally Shafer Lakeside Resort’s liability shall be limited to typical damages foreseeable under the contract.
- Shafer Lakeside Resort’s liability for culpable damage to life, body or health as well as our liability under the Product Liability Act shall remain unaffected.- Any liability not expressly provided for above shall be disclaimed. Particularly Shafer Lakeside Resort disclaims any liability for the reproduction of this website through a third-party website or access to this website obtained through a third party website or any user’s home page, which reproduction misstates or omits any of the information or limitations and conditions on the room rates and products offered through this website
Intellectual Property
All trademarks (including, but not limited to, the Shafer Lakeside Resort trademark, reproductions of our logo), copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights in the materials on this website (as well as the organization and layout of this website) together with the underlying software code are owned either directly by Shafer Lakeside Resort or by its licensors. Without Shafer Lakesides’ prior written permission, you may not copy, modify, alter, publish, broadcast, distribute, sell or transfer any material on this website or the underlying software code whether in whole or in part. However, the contents of this website may be downloaded, printed or copied for your personal non-commercial use. The Shafer Lakeside logo is a registered trademark and is the property of Shafer Lakeside Resort and may not be used or reproduced without express written permission. 
Data transfer into other data carriers, even part of it, or its use for a different purpose to the one designated here, is only permitted with the explicit permission of Shafer Lakeside Resort, except where explicitly permitted by applicable law.

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We are proud to offer the lowest price available to our consumers directly on our website. This feature is our confirmation of that guarantee. Booking direct allows us to provide you, our guest, with the highest standard of service possible. We appreciate your business and look forward to your stay.
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