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The perfect place for you to get away and reconnect with your significant other.
Sokzo Picuas is a beachfront hospitality project with direct access to Las Picuas beach, one of Puerto Rico's best-kept secrets. 

Sokzo Picuas consists of four beautifully designed PODS for couples each with its own private pool and terrace. 

Located in Rio Grande, near many restaurants, golf courses, grocery stores, and just 35min from the airport and 45 minutes from Old San Juan.
Let's not forget that El Yunque National Forest along with Carabali Adventure Park is just a 15min drive.

Property Name: SOKZO Picuas

Street Address: Camino Las Picuas, Solar 4, Bo. Zarzal

City : Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

Postal Code : 00721

Phone: 787-291-9192


Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 4:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :
Cancellation Policy: If Guest wishes to cancel his/her reservation, money will be refunded as follows: (a) Full refund (100%) if cancelled more than 30 days prior to “Check-In Date”. (b) No refund (0% deposit will be returned and 0% total room costs will be returned) if Guest cancelled within 30 days of “Check-In Date”. 
Terms and Conditions

This rental agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between FOMA LLC (“Owner”) and the renter (“Guest”) as of the date last set forth on the provided quote. For good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 
  1. The Guest agrees to pay the full amount of all rental charges listen in the quote provided prior to check-in dates. The Guest admits to having received and reviewed said quote. 
  2. The property is located at: Km. 2.1 Carr. 968 Bo. Mameyes, Río Grande, Puerto Rico. 
  3. The property is furnished and includes: linens, towels, pillows, kitchen equipment, and a speaker. 
  4. Maximum Occupancy: The maximum number of guests is limited to two (2) persons and only one (1) car per reservation. The local board of health set an occupancy limit for each property. Occupancy, including visitors, is not to exceed the limit cited on the agreement and must be observed at all times. If more than the maximum number is found to be occupying the leased property, the agreement may be immediately terminated without refund. 
  5. Term of Lease: The lease begins at 4 pm, on the “Check-In Date” and ends at 11 am, on the “Check-out Date”. 
  6. Rental Rules: Guest agrees to abide by the Rental Rules attached as Exhibit A at all times while at the property and shall cause all members of the rental party to abide by the rules at all times while at the property. 
  7. Access: Guest shall allow Owner access to the property for purposes of repair and inspection. Owner shall exercise the right of access in a reasonable manner. 
  8. Rental Rate and Fees: (a) Deposit: A deposit is due to reserve the property and the remaining balance is due at least thirty (30) days prior to the “Check-In Date”.  (b) We reserve the right to charge Guest after “Check-Out” due to: i. Damage to the property or furnishings; ii. Dirt, stains, or any other mess that would require excessive cleaning; iii. Any other cost incurred by Owner due to Guest stay. (c) If the premises appear dirty or damaged upon “Check-In”, Gust shall inform Owner immediately. 
  9. Cancellation Policy: If Guest wishes to cancel his/her reservation, money will be refunded as follows: (a) Full refund (100%) if cancelled more than 30 days prior to “Check-In Date”. (b) No refund (0% deposit will be returned and 0% total room costs will be returned) if Guest cancelled within 30 days of “Check-In Date”. 
  10.  Insurance: We encourage Guest to purchase traveler insurance. 
  11. Guest shall hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Owner against any and all claims of personal injury, property damage, or loss, arising from use of the premises regardless of the nature of the accident, injury, or loss. Guest expressly recognize that any insurance for the property damage or loss which the Owner may maintain on the property, does not cover the personal property of the Guest. The Guest should purchase their own insurance if such coverage is desired. 
  12. Our staff works very hard to make sure your stay is happy and comfortable; however, there are things that are out of our control. Please understand that the Owner shall not be liable for events beyond their control, which may interfere with Guest stay.  Owner cannot guarantee against failure of structural, electrical, mechanical components or appliances, but Owner will make every reasonable effort to have repairs done quickly and efficiently. No refunds or rent reductions will be made due to failure of components or appliances. Guest need to notify us immediately for any repairs that need to be done. 

By undertaking a booking in SOKZO, you acknowledge having read, agreed, and understood all terms, conditions, and rules within the short term rental agreement. 

Exhibit A: Rental Rules 
  1. Smoking is only allowed outside of the PODS. 
  2. Respect the neighbors at ALL TIMES. 
  3. Aside from Guests, no other person is allowed on the premise. 
  4. All units are privately owned; the Owner is not responsible for any accident, injury, or illness that might occur on the premises or it’s facilities. The Owner is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings or valuables of the Guest. By accepting this reservation, it is agreed that the Guest is expressly assuming the risk of any harm arising from their use of the premises or others whom they invite to use the premise. 
  5. Keep the property and all furnishings in good order. 
  6. Only use appliances for their intended uses. 
  7. Pets are not permitted in the property. 
  8. Before the Guest leaves, he/she must: (a) Take trash out. (b) Clean dirty dishes. 
  9. Housekeeping: There is NO daily housekeeping service. Linens and bath towels are included in the unit but daily maid service is NOT included in the rental rate. 
  10. Guest shall behave in a civilized manner and be a good neighbor, respecting the rights of the surrounding property owners. Guest shall not create noise or disturbances likely to disturb or annoy the surrounding property owners. Creating a disturbance of the aforementioned nature shall be ground for immediate termination of this agreement and Guest shall then immediately vacate the premises. 
  11. Quiet hour stars at 11 pm during weekdays and 1 am during weekends. Pool and any outdoor noise should be kept to a minimum. 
  12. Guest agree to pay all reasonable costs, attorney’s fees, and expenses that shall be made or incurred by Owner enforcing this agreement. 
  13. Guest expressly acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is for transient occupancy of the property, and that Guest does not intend to make the property a residence or household. 
  14. Power outages are occasional and out of our control. Owner reports outages as soon as they occur. The property has a power generator. No refunds or compensation will be given for any outages. 
  15. There shall be no refunds of rents due to shortened stays or ruined expectations because of weather conditions. 
  16. There shall be no refunds of rents due to shortened stays because of work, family emergencies, and/or other unforeseen/unplanned commitments. 
  17. Only legally owned and permitted firearms shall be allowed on the premise according to State and Local Laws.
  18. No fireworks and/or other hazardous materials are allowed to be used in or around the property. 
  19. Guest shall use the property for legal purposes only. Other use, such as but not limited to: illegal drug use, abuse of any person, harboring fugitives, etc.; shall cause termination of this agreement with no refund of rents or deposits.  
  20. Guest is advised that the property contains a gas grill, and other gas powered items, and will seek help from management if the proper operation of such items is not fully understood. 
  21. Each POD has a fire extinguisher installed near the kitchen area. The fire extinguisher is fully charged, per last inspection. It is the duty of Guest to inform management immediately should the fire extinguisher become less than fully charged. Guest agrees to use the fire extinguisher only for true emergencies. 
  22. There is no carbon monoxide detector on the property. Guest must accept the risk involved in not having one. 
  23. Guest shall see to their own security while on the property by locking doors, windows, etc. when they deem prudent to do so. 
  24. Valuable items left behind by any Guest will be held for Guest and every reasonable effort will be made to contact Guest and make a return. If items are not claimed for longer than six (6) months, they shall become the property of the Owner. The Owner will not be held liable for the condition of items left behind. 
  25. High-speed wireless internet is provided as a convenience only and is not integral to the agreement. No refund of rent shall be given for outages, lack of content, speed, access problems, lack of knowledge of use, or personal preferences with regard to the internet service. 
  26. Swimming Pool: It is the Guest responsibility to learn about safety precautions, warning signs of water conditions, and safety procedures concerning swimming in or being around the pool. Guest agrees to have a responsible adult supervising minors while they swim in the pool. Guest is hereby notified that the pool can be dangerous and Guest accepts fully the risks involved. Guest is further notified to be cautious when exiting the rear of the home, as the pool is not gated and close in proximity to the entryway and can be a hazard. There are no rails to prevent a fall into the pool. No glassware should be used in or around the immediate pool area. In the case broken glass falls inside the pool, Guest must immediately notify Owner. 
  27. Storms: If there is a storm, tropical storm, or hurricane, no refunds will be given unless: i. The state or local authorities order mandatory evacuations because of a “Tropical Storm/Hurricane Warning Watch”. ii. A mandatory evacuation order has been given for the “Tropical Storm/Hurricane Warning Watch” area of residence. If this were to be the case, we will refund: i. Any unused portion of the rent from a Guest currently registered. ii. Any unused portion of rent from a Guest that is scheduled to arrive, and wants to shorten the stay, to come in after the “Tropical Storm/Hurricane Warning Watch” is lifted. iii. Any advance rents collected or deposited for a reservation that is scheduled to arrive during the “Tropical Storm/Hurricane Warning Watch” period. 

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