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Property Information

Situated in the heart of the city, off the bustling pedestrian Belmont street, Coffee House Hotel is tailored for comfort and convenience, for both leisure or business.
So treat yourself to a stay in one of our 7 new and modern rooms, boasting luxury beds for a most relaxing sleep. All the rooms come complete with en-suite bathrooms, air conditioning, large LED TVs, free and fast WiFi, and tea and coffee making facilities.

Property Name: The Coffee House Hotel

Street Address: 1 Gaelic Lane

City : Aberdeen - Aberdeenshire

Postal Code : AB10 1JF

Contact Name: Michael Young

Phone: 01224 478621


  • Room service
  • Air conditioning
  • Contactless check-in / check-out
  • Internet
  • Non-smoking rooms

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 2:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :

Full Charge - Full Deposit - If canceled within 1 days of arrival

Terms and Conditions

1. Prices and Taxes
All prices for the accommodation are as stated on the date of booking. VAT is included in all bookings made with The Coffee House Hotel and is charged at the rate set by the UK government
2. Payment and Terms at Check-in, Check-out
The Coffee House Hotel reserves the right to charge guests at any time from the point of booking to time of departure. However normal procedure is to authorize cards prior to arrival and charge the guest at check-in. Check-in starts at 14:00 and ends at midnight. Guests arriving after 18:00 must inform The Coffee House Hotel of their expected time of arrival to ensure access to the property. Although we offer late check-in, the hotel will not be staffed after 18:00, therefore without notification of late arrival there may not be access to the hotel. In the case of an unexpected late arrival after 18:00, there are contact telephone numbers in the confirmation email sent out to guests at the time of booking. Check-out is no later than 11:00. Late check-out fee of £15 may be charged. If guests are traveling from outside the UK, Ireland or any country in the Commonwealth we are obliged by law to require guests to provide the number and place of issue of their passport/identity card and details of their next destination. These records will be kept for at least 12 months and may be disclosed or made available for inspection by any police officer or as otherwise required by applicable law in connection with the prevention or investigation of crime.  The information above may be requested for each member of your party over the age of 16 and we reserve the right to refuse entry to persons who cannot provide the information set out above.
3. Traveling with Minors
The Coffee House Hotel does not normally provide accommodation for children under the age of 12. All children under 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
4. Accessibility 
The Coffee House Hotel is situated on the 2nd floor with access only by stairway.
5. Hotel Events
The Coffee House Hotel cannot guarantee there will be no noise from social events on the 1st floor. We try to keep sound to a minimum, but this cannot be guaranteed.
6. Damages
We reserve the right and you hereby authorise us to charge your credit or debit card for any damage incurred to your room or the Hotel during your stay (including without limitation specialist cleaning) or for any items that are missing when you leave. We reserve the right to charge up to £150 for specialist cleaning if evidence ofsmoking is found in the room
7. Use of Personal information
Guest information may be kept on our systems to ease the process of future bookings. 

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