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Property Information

Funland Resort is a family run business located in Cormack, NL. Featuring a 200’ Outdoor waterslide, full size swimming pool, Minigolf, eight 2-bedroom cabins, two 3-bedroom cabins, campground (full service and non service lots), convenience store, lounge, liquor express, and home of the Cormack Poutinerie. The cabins, convenient store, and Cormack Poutinerie are open year round, and the pool, mini golf, and campground are seasonal.

Property Name: Funland Resort and Cormack Poutinerie

Street Address: 34 veterans dr

City : Cormack - Newfoundland and Labrador

Postal Code : a8a 2p8

Contact Name: Brittany Eddy

Phone: 7096357227


  • ATM on site
  • Gift shop
  • Laundry service
  • Lounge
  • Swimming pool

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 3:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :
Our Cancellation policy is 7 days notice, if you need to cancel please contact the resort directly by phone 709-635-7227. We do not accept cancelations by email or Facebook message, and you will be responsible for paying the balance owing. We DO NOT accept debit Visas or debit Mastercards as a credit card to confirm your reservation. If you have booked with a debit Visa or debit Mastercard please call the resort to change it to standard credit card. You may however pay with either cash, debit, or credit card upon arrival. Thank you ***Please be advised the pool and slide is open the beginning of July until the Sunday of Labour day weekend (Weather permitting). The pool prices are not included in the price of the cabin and may close without warning due to factors outside of our control.***
Terms and Conditions


The following terms and conditions will apply to all bookings. We ask that you take a moment to read them prior to making a booking. Must present valid credit card that was used for the booking upon arrival, Visa/Mastercard Debit cards are not an acceptable source to have on file.Please pay attention to our deposit and cancellation policies as well as the other terms and conditions marked in bold in this document. In these terms and conditions, which apply to all bookings, the following words shall mean:
  • “Agreement” means your booking confirmation read together with these Terms & Conditions;
  • “Guest” means the person who will be accommodated at the Hotel;
  • “Hotel” means the Funland Resort;
    ** “Terms & Conditions” means the terms and conditions of stay contained herein.

  • Check in time is 3 PM
  • Checkout Time is 11 AM
  • If you need to cancel your booking within 7 days prior to arrival, please call the hotel directly at 709-635-7227. Please be advised that this does not guarantee a refund will be issued.
  • Guests will be responsible for any damage caused to the Hotel room or any furnishings, fittings band equipment therein by any act or omission of the Guest, his/her invitees, subcontractors or guests. Should this damage come to light after the guest has departed, Funland Resort reserves the right to make a charge to the Guest’s credit card.
  • Funland Resort reserves the right to charge Guests the cost of replacing any items that are removed from the Hotel by them without consent. The charge will be the full replacement amount of the missing item.
  • Absolutely no fires are permitted around the cabins.
  • If you need to make a change to your booking. please call the hotel directly at 709-635-7227.
  • Quiet Time is 11 PM
  • Funland Resort reserves the right to judge acceptable levels of noise or behaviour of the Guest or invitees of the Guest who must take all steps necessary for corrective action as requested by the Hotel. In the event of failure to comply with management’s request, the Hotel may terminate a booking or function immediately without being liable for any refund or compensation.
  • Funland Resort will do its best to ensure that all facilities listed at the Hotel will be available during your stay. However, we cannot guarantee that they will be available as maintenance and other work may be necessary from time to time, or the weather may not be agreeable.
  • Small non-shedding and hypoallergenic dogs are allowed only upon request. Pets must be leashed at all times and are not allowed in hotel restaurants or public areas such as the pool.
  •  Smoking is strictly prohibited in all rooms.
  • The Hotel shall have no liability to the Guest and/or the Guest’s invitees, visitors, employees, sub-contractors or invitees for any special, indirect, consequential loss or damage. Funland Resort's total liability shall, wherever permitted by law, be limited to the value of this Agreement.
  • The Guest shall indemnify the Hotel against any/all liability and any claims, proceedings or damages resulting or arising from or by the booking, function, the Guest, his/her invitees, visitors or any service provider engaged by the Guest.
  • Guests are encouraged to lock their motor vehicles and rooms at all times unattended. Guests should take note that parking areas are not supervised and the Hotel does not accept responsibility whatsoever for damage to, or theft from or theft of, motor vehicles parked on the
  • Hotel premises or from rooms in the Hotel. The Guest is advised to have and is responsible for insurance to cover loss of baggage, personal effects and money.
  • The Guest shall be responsible for any damage caused to the rooms, furnishings, utensils and equipment therein caused by or attributable to any act, omission, default or neglect of the Guest, his/her invitees, visitors or service providers engaged by the Hotel and will pay to the Hotel the total cost to replace such items.
  •  For the purpose of this clause, acts or omissions of the guests, invitees, employees and/or subcontractors shall be deemed acts of the Guest

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