Property Name: Panamint Springs Resort
Street Address: 40440 CA-190
City : Darwin - California
Postal Code : 93522
Phone: (775) 482-7680
- ATM on site
- Gift shop
Check-in/Check-out Policies
This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:
Check-In: 16:00
Check-Out: 11:00
Late Check-out Hour: 12:00
Late Check-out Fees: $25.00
Late check-out (after 11:00 and before 12:00) may result in a fee.
Property and Cancelation Policies :
No Charge - If canceled within 2 days of arrival
Terms and Conditions
Check-in for the motel begins at 4pm at the gas station/general store and check-out is by 11am. Check-in for the campgrounds begins after 11am at the gas station/general store and check-out is by 11am. Guests who check out between 11 AM and 12 Noon will be charged an additional $25. Guests who do not check out by 12 Noon will be charged for another night at full retail price, regardless of the unit's availability that evening or the price-point at which the guest booked the unit.
We have a 48-hour cancellation policy. It is your responsibility to verify cancellation. As our Valley is only served by a single phone, which often experiences interruptions in service, we do not recommend nor guarantee any requests made over the phone, including messages left on our answering machine. If you need to make any changes to or cancel your reservation, submit your request to us in writing at at least 48 hours prior to 4pm Pacific Time on the date of check-in to avoid penalty charges.
If you make changes or cancellations less than 48 hours prior to 4pm on the scheduled date of check-in, you will be held responsible for the full rate of any nights that fall within that 48-hour period. Credit Cards are not charged until the 48 hours leading up to your arrival, or if you do not meet the terms of the cancellation policy.
Panamint Springs Resort is proud to be the only pet-friendly resort in Death Valley National Park. All pets must be declared BEFORE CHECK-IN, so that we can maintain pet-free rooms for those guests with allergies. Declared pets in our rooms or cabins will each incur a $5 nightly fee, while those in the campground will incur a $5 fee per reservation. Undeclared pets will incur a penalty fee of $150. We do not charge a pet fee for service animals, however they must be declared and are subject to the same rules and regulations.
All pets are to be kept on-leash while visiting Panamint Springs. Guests ARE NOT permitted to leave any animals in rooms or vehicles unattended; the extreme climate in Death Valley National Park can quickly lead to fatalities, even during the winter months. Guests ARE NOT permitted to bring pets into our restaurant, however you may be permitted to have pets on the restaurant patio at your server's discretion. Guests whose pets cause disturbance to other guests or staff (eg. off-leash, keeping neighbors up after Quiet Hours, etc.) may be asked to vacate the premises.
All charges must be paid on arrival unless special arrangements are made in advance. For group reservations, group leaders accept full financial responsibility for any damages or cancellation charges. The cost of repairing any damage caused to our units caused by you, your guests, or your pets may be charged to your card. This includes, but is not limited to pet stains, stained linens, and missing items.
There is no smoking in the motel rooms or tent cabins. If you choose to smoke in our units, you will be charged a $150 cleaning fee. We do not allow cooking or use of appliances in any of our motel rooms or tent cabins, including use of kettles, rice cookers, air-fryers, and other similar appliances. If you choose to cook in or units, you will be charged a $150 cleaning fee.
This property is privately owned and management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone and will not be responsible for accidents or injury to guest or for the loss of money, jewelry, electronics, or valuables of an kind.
Panamint Springs Resort observes quiet hours from 10 PM to 7 AM. Generators ARE NOT permitted during Quiet Hours.
Panamint Springs Resort welcomes people from all different backgrounds and we aim to provide a safe and comfortable space for all our guests. As such, we do not allow guests to erect or fly flags in support of any particular candidate or political party. We strictly prohibit the flying of the Confederate Flag (aka "Stars and Bars" or "Battle Flag") on our property. We also prohibit the display of any Nazi-related text or images (eg, "88" or "HH") while on our property. We reserve the right to refuse service to individuals unwilling to comply with this policy.
We are a remote location and do not have television or telephones in our motel rooms. Death Valley National Park does not have digital cell phone service, and there is no pay phone at Panamint Springs Resort.
Panamint Springs receives internet via satellite connection. This means that our internet connection is often interrupted by atmospheric phenomena (wind, rain, clouds, etc.) The bandwidth available in this location is also extremely limited, so high-bandwidth activities such as streaming, teleconference calling, and virtual schooling are rarely accessible. Because of the limited nature of the internet available here, we do not recommend relying on this system. Refunds will not be issued if guests decide after check-in that satellite internet will not be sufficient for their needs.
Panamint Springs Resort is a historic property. As such, we do not yet have ADA rooms. However, if there are specific accessibility needs, contact us and we may be able to accommodate them.
Please note that special requests will be noted and honored when possible, but are never guaranteed.
Panamint Springs is located in the remote Panamint Valley section of Death Valley National Park and is completely off-grid. This means there is no cell service, Google Maps is spotty, and it's 50 miles each way to the nearest grocery store/pharmacy/auto shop/bank/etc. We welcome you to take a step into local history and explore this unique setting.
We do not have an official physical address at Panamint Springs Resort, because we do not receive U.S. Mail deliveries. Therefore, it is NOT advisable to find us using a GPS device unless you use our coordinates. To find us, there are a few things you can do:
Please verify all GPS directions on a map, as they have been known to take people the wrong way. Feel free to email us if you have specific inquiries.
Driving From Las Vegas (175 miles)
Driving From Los Angeles (approximately 235 miles)
Driving From the Bay Area (approximately 420 miles)
Thank you for your interest in Panamint Springs Resort and Death Valley National Park!
Have a safe trip out, we look forward to seeing you soon!