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We welcome you to Moonlight Resort! Our newly refurbished four suite accommodation, located just north of the quaint village of Hoodsport, on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula of Washington State welcomes you. We offer you fully furnished suites, each with nicely equipped kitchenettes/kitchens, comfortable beds, updated bathrooms, and a relaxed, peaceful atmosphere.  We also have our cozy Little Moon Cabin. (Please note, read room details: cabin is a separate tiny house with no attached bath) The front covered patio area of each suite has lovely sunrise views and the night skies above are filled with magical stars and shining moons. There is a firepit and chairs to enjoy a cozy bonfire, or a propane fire table. The serene waters of Hood Canal are across Highway 101 with access points available in several locations within a ten minute drive ( this property is not waterfront). Many entrances to Olympic National Park are nearby, with wonderful trails, lush green forests, and waterfalls to explore. Lake Cushman is just 7.5 miles away, less than a fifteen minute scenic drive, offering hiking, fishing, boating, kayaking, and golf. The Hamma Hamma, Dosewallips, and Duckabush Rivers offer more of Mother Nature's bounty in close proximity. Hoodsport offers eateries, a winery, distillery, and other shops to visit, or get provisions. With many other historic and interesting small towns dotted along Hood Canal, there is so much to see and do! We look forward to hosting your stay at Moonlight Resort! Please note: We are a NO pet accommodation.

Property Name: Moonlight Resort Suites & Sleeps

Street Address: 27131 US-101

City : Hoodsport - Washington

Postal Code : 98548

Phone: 13608779686


  • Contactless check-in / check-out
  • Heating
  • Internet
  • Invoices
  • Non-smoking rooms

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 3:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :

Full Charge - Full Deposit - If canceled within 1 days of arrival

Terms and Conditions

    1. TERMS,CONDITIONS, and rules FOR MoonlightResort, LLC to ensure that this Hotel has publicness (is accepted by public) and provides a safe and comfortable stay to guests, the following rules need to be followed: Not abiding by these rules may lead to cancelation of stay and/or refusal to use the motel facilities. Further, if you happen to damage any equipment or fixtures inside the hotel premises, the motel reserves a right to charge you the full cost of the replacement. 
    2. Rules Do not use the guest rooms for purposes otherthan intended without authorization. We reserve the right to refuse service or evict guest from the property who choose not to follow house rules, without refund.  We do NOT guarantee the grounds, property, or rooms are allergen free of any substance.Do not light fire in guest rooms for heating or cooking that are not authorized. To prevent fire, refrain from smoking on bed, in non-smoking rooms, and in any other places prone to catch fire. NO smoking or electronic cigarette use in rooms or within 25 feet of any doorway/opening. The equipment and articles in guest rooms are strictly meant for the guests staying in the motel. Hence, inside the guest rooms, use of such equipment and articles by outsiders is prohibited.  Do NOT move the articles in the motel or guest rooms from their fixed places.  Any broken or missing items will be at guest expense. Do not change the position of the gadgets and fixtures in the motel or guest rooms without permission.The Guest shall compensate the motel for any damage caused due to intent or negligence on part of the Guest.  If the Guest does not appear by10:00 p.m. without prior notice (or 2 hours after the estimated time of arrival if specified in advance by the Guest) of the reservation date, it shall bedeemed as cancelation.  Guest will be charge full rate of entire reservation.  The motel shall not be liable for the custody of the vehicle of the Guest when the Guest utilizes the parking lot of the motel, as the motel only provides the space for parking and cannot be held responsible for management of the vehicle.  When the baggage or belongings of the Guest found after check-out and ownership of the article is confirmed, the Motel shall inform the owner of the article left and ask for further instructions. Owner of item will be responsible for all shipping charges. When no such instructions are given to the Hotel by the owner or when ownership isnot confirmed, the valuables or articles will be donated.   Do NOT bring the following items into the motel. ·  Things giving off foul smell.·   Articles exceeding the normal amount that can be carried into a hotel.·   Explosives, or articles containing volatile oils that may ignite or catch fire.· Illegal drug paraphernalia-posses/use.·  Any other articles that may pose a threat to the safety of other guests staying in the motel.·  Do not scream, sing loudly, or create loud noises by any other actions inside the motel or guest rooms, as it may disturb or annoy other guests staying in the motel.·  Refrain from engaging into gambling or acts that violate public order and morals inside the motel or guest rooms.·   Do not distribute advertisement goods or sell articles to the other guests or collect donation or signatures from them inside the motel premises, without proper permission.·  Note that we may refuse stay to guest suffering from an illness that may cause discomfort of any kind to the other guests inside the motel.·  Do not leave your personal belongings in the passages or the patio.·   Any acts of photography that may bother the other guests in the motel are strictly prohibited inside the motel or guest rooms.·   In principle, the guest rooms accommodating same guests continuously for two or more nights shall not be cleaned during their period of stay. Such rooms, however, shall be cleaned on the 7th to maintain cleanliness. Further, if cleaning of one or more of the guest rooms are deemed necessary by the hotel authorities, the guests occupying the room(s) shall not have a right to deny such room cleaning. 
      • If by chance Moonlight Resort is unable to fulfill reservation due to natural calamities, acts of God/ Mother-nature ,  malfunction of facilities and/or other unavoidable causes.  A refund and /or motel credit will be submitted.
        Guest will be charged, reported, andheld accountable for the following:The person seeking a reservation is likely to violate laws and ordinances or act against the public order or good morals regarding his/her reservation, reservation will be denied.
      • Any Damages & all damages to property, linens,  books, TV, furniture, flooring, art, beds, tables, missing items- dishes, pots/pans, silverware, and appliances.....
      • The person seeking a reservation performs any act that causes significant disturbance to other guests.
      • The person seeking a reservation engages into coercive acts such as violence with the staff, threatening or blackmailing the staff, or makes an unreasonable demand, or is known to have a past record of similar act(s).
      • The person seeking a reservation is intoxicated / under the influence of illicit chemical and is likely to cause annoyance to other guests, will be charged and asked to vacate premises.
      • The person seeking a reservation applies for a room with a hidden intent of raising profit for himself or a third party by engaging into acts such as selling articles anywhere inside the premises or in the guest room booked by guest.
      • The person seeking a reservation fails to abide by the provisions made under these Terms & Conditions or the provisions regarding payment and/or room cancellation clarified at the time of booking will be charged and any illegal acts will
                            Event Contracts for events and related agreements will be entered into between this Motel and the Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Any particulars not provided herein shall be governed by laws and regulations and/or accepted practices. A Guest who intends to enter an Event Contract with the Hotel will provide following :Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and special event.  Date of Event Contract and time of arrival and departing time   Event charges will beset in a contract and other particulars deemed necessary.Contract shall be deemed concluded when the Motel has duly accepted the application for Event Contract/ Special accommodation as stipulated. However, the same shall not apply where it is proven that the Motel has not accepted the application. The deposit shall be used toreserve dates and times. Guest must cancel within 30 days to receive deposit inreturn. The Total Event charge to be paid by the guest by date agreed upon or accommodation contract will become invalid.  NO refunds will be given ifthe guest fails to pay the remainder by the date as stipulated, the Accommodation Contract shall be treated as invalid.  The breakdown and method of calculation of the Event Contract/ Special accommodations will be specified in contract.  The Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contractif:1.  The Guest has not shared the specifics requested by the Motel before the specified date, on contract.2. The Hotel has requested the payment of the Event Contract/ Special accommodation deposit buthas not received it by the specified date. 

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