Formerly known as Carrington Place, The Young Street Hotel is run by local business owner Luke Tilse from the Happy Wombat. The front bar is a great place to catch up and have a drink with friends, with our large screen TVs and 20-tap tower, whilst out back is a large dining area and relaxed beer garden. See you soon!Property Name: The Young Street Hotel
Street Address: 132 Young Street
City : Carrington - New South Wales
Postal Code : 2294
Contact Name: Luke Tilse
Phone: 0240235906
Email: luke@youngstreethotel.com
Check-in/Check-out Policies
This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:
Check-In: 2:00 PM
Check-Out: 10:00 AM
Late Check-out Hour: 12:00 PM
Late Check-out Fees: 10%
Late check-out (after 10:00 AM and before 12:00 PM) may result in a fee.