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It is the responsibility of the guest to include all transfer fees and charges to ensure that the property receives the full booking amount. Please follow the instructions on your email confirmation to complete the transfer.
In order to guarantee your reservation, we kindly ask you to make a deposit of the first night rate and send us an e-mail with the proof of payment at 
Blue Accomodations SA de CV
BBVA Mexico
Account number: 012694001159733333
Bank address: Boulevard Puerto Aventuras, manzana 36, LT. 13-14, D101, Puerto Aventura, Solidaridad, Quintata Roo, Mexico.

Property Information

Welcome to Blue Luxury! Everything you need for your dream holiday is right here! Our convenient location puts you exactly where you want to be, with easy access to all your favorite places! We are just minutes away from upscale night life, dining, and outdoor activities including the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean Sea! 

Property Name: Blue Luxury Kukulkán

Street Address: Av. Kukulcán mza. 45-Lt. 01, entre calle 7 poniente y calle 9 poniente

City : Tulum - Quintana Roo

Postal Code : 77760

Contact Name: Blue Luxury Kukulkán

Phone: +529843213854


  • Swimming pool
  • Air conditioning
  • Internet
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Tour Assistance

Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 3:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :

Partial Charge - 50% of Full Stay - If canceled within 7 days of arrival

Terms and Conditions

Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully as they incorporate the basis upon which bookings are accepted by Blue Luxury Accommodations

  • Check-in/arrival time is from 3:00pm. Early check-in prior to 3:00pm will be subject to availability, and cannot be guaranteed. 
  • Check-out/departure time is prior to 11:00am. 
  • Extra charges may apply if a guest stays beyond their checkout/departure time.
  • For all bookings, a $200 us dollars deposit is required upon arrival, that covers any damage of hotel property that may occur during the stay. A full inspection of all apartments will be conducted by hotel management after each guest departs to determine if there is any damage.
  • Our standard cancellation policy requires booking cancellations or changes to be advised to us with 7 days prior to arrival.
  • Car parking facilities are available onsite, free of charge with no prior reservation needed.
  • A card surcharge applies to all payments made by card. This amount will be applied at the time of payment and is in addition to the nightly rates.
  • Guests are requested to conduct themselves appropriately at all times and to comply with our procedures and/or requests with regard to conduct and respect for the property of the Hotel, its employees and guests and their health and safety. 
  • Guests are requested not to disrupt the comfort and enjoyment of other guests, the smooth running of the Hotel, or cause offence to other guests or our members of staff. We reserve the right to refuse accommodation or services or remove you and members of your party from the Hotel if, in our reasonable opinion, we consider this provision to have been breached. 
  • Where this is the case shall have no obligation to refund you for lost accommodation, other services or any other loss or expense incurred.
  • Guests are not permitted to smoke in rooms or public areas.
  • Guide dogs are accepted with prior arrangement.
  • In the case of paying for a family member if you will not be physically present at the hotel, we require prior completion and approval of a Credit Card Authorization form including a copy of your driver’s license and the front and back of your signed credit card.  You will be responsible for any and all damages and loss.  We reserve the right to refuse reservation at any time for any reason.
  • The management will not accept any liability for any accidents, damage or loss incurred. 

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