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Property Information

Round Lake Resort is 28 acres of beautiful forested lake-shore with nature trails and 5 cozy cottages. We are located near Smithers and the Recreation Hub of the Bulkley Valley.

Property Name: Round Lake Resort

Street Address: 20806 Highway 16

City : Telkwa - British Columbia

Postal Code : V0J 2X2

Contact Name: Nina Hamelin

Phone: 250-846-9160


Round Lake Resort
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap
Check-in/Check-out Policies

This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:

Check-In: 2:00 PM

Check-Out: 11:00 AM

Property and Cancelation Policies :

Full Charge - Full Deposit - If canceled within 14 days of arrival

Terms and Conditions

Reservation Terms & Conditions, Resort Rules & Policies
The following Terms and Conditions apply to all bookings made on this website and with the Resort. We kindly ask that you take a moment to read them prior to making a booking. Definitions

“Company” or“we” means Round Lake Resort “Booking”means the booking for accommodation, functions and/or any other services oritems made with us.“Contract”means the Booking and these Terms, and any other Terms and Conditions stated toapply to the Booking.Resort” means the premises forwhich your Booking is made.“Terms”means these terms and conditions.“Websites”means or anyother website owned or operated by us relating to the Resort from time to time.“VAT” meansvalue added tax.All Bookings at the Resort are subject tothese Terms.All rates are quote in Canadian (CAD) whichare inclusive of the government tax and service charge.Rates are subject to change without priornotice.Payment can be made by electronic transfer,credit card, debit card or cash.Should guest arrived without prepayment,the Resort reserves the right to collect full payment upon check-in.Check-in time is from 2.00 pm and check-outtime is 11.00 am.Early check-in are subject to cabinavailability and on pre-arrangement with management.Late Check-in time is allowed onpre-arrangement with management.For late check-out requests, a fee isrequired and needs to be pre-arranged with management.


A minimum length of stay, deposit,cancellation charge and other conditions may apply to certain rates, asspecified. Prices shall be charged in the local currency of the Resort and anycurrency conversion facility is provided as an approximation tool only, pleaserefer to the Currency Disclaimer for more details. The VAT breakdown shown is indicative basedon the current rate of VAT, and the expected VAT treatment of the goods orservices. VAT will be payable at theprevailing rate applicable at the tax point of the invoice or Bookingconfirmation issued, and may change depending on the actual rate and the VATtreatment of the goods and services purchased at that date.Prices are inclusive of VAT applicable onthe day of reservation and any change to the applicable VAT rate will beautomatically reflected in the prices shown on the date of billing. Any change or introduction of new legal orregulatory taxes imposed by the competent authorities will be automaticallyreflected in the prices shown on the date of billing. Rates may be increased by different taxesaccording to cities/countries. Customers undertake to pay the various taxes,without complaint to the Resort. Certain promotional offers available on theInternet are sold exclusively on the Internet, that is, remotely and in nocircumstance at the front desk of the Resort. Price lists for additional items, such as Kayaksand Canoe rentals, are on display at relevant locations within the Resort andare available on request. In Order to make your stay as pleasant aspossible, the resort’s Management requests your co-operation in observing thefollowing as an agreement between the guest and Round Lake Resort under whichaccommodations are permitted to be used by the guest(s):    

Check-in / Arrival

 Check-in time is from 2.00 pm; please presentyour government issues identification upon Check-in. By Law visitors mustpresent personal documents for accommodation records upon request such asbooking voucher / confirmation. Guests are also obliged by to provide thenumber and place of issue of your passport/identity card and details of theirnext destination. These records will be kept for at least 12 months and may bedisclosed or made available for inspection by any police officer or asotherwise required by applicable law in connection with the prevention orinvestigation of crime. The informationabove may be requested for each member of your party over the age of 16 and wereserve the right to refuse entry to persons who cannot provide the informationset out above. Cabins are subject to maximum occupancyrules set by the Resort. If you would like further details please contact theResort directly. 

Check out / Departure

 Check out time is at 11.00 am. Extensionwill be given depending on the availability with an extension fee.   

Early Check-in & LateCheck-out

 We are pleased to accommodate earlyarrival, subject to availability. Please make your request as early as possibleto ensure availability. On failure of the guest to vacate the cabinon expiry or period the management shall have the right to remove the guest andhis/her belongings from the cabin occupied by the Guest.  

Settlement of Bills 

 Bills must be settled upon check-in eitherby electronic transfer, cash or credit card, debit card, personal cheques arenot accepted.  At the time of booking or at check-in, wewill take your credit/debit card details and you authorize the use of this cardfor any sums that become owing to us. Weshall also have the right to require full payment in advance or a deposit atthe time of booking in certain circumstances or if the Booking includes thesupply of certain items or services. NoBooking shall be treated as confirmed until the details and/or payment/depositdescribed in this paragraph have been provided. During your stay the Resort will calculatethe incidentals charged to your cabin on a daily basis. If the cost of those incidentals exceed the authorizationtaken on check-in, further authorization will automatically be requested and ifsuch authorization is not available, we may request another method ofsettlement or a deposit to be provided, failing which we reserve the right torestrict access to your cabin.All outstanding charges must be paid for infull on check-out from the Resort. Ifthe outstanding charges do not exceed the authorization taken on check-in, the authorizationfor the amount not utilized will be released, however, we cannot control howlong it takes for your bank to effect such release.  If staying for multiple nights at the Resortwe may require you to make payment for any outstanding charges on a morefrequent basis during your stay. 

Cancellation Policy, No-Show& Short Stay

 All cancellations and changes to bookingsmust be received in writing.Bookings that have been confirmed andsubsequently cancelled, we will charge a cancellation fee:Cancellation within 14 days prior toarrival date, or no-show – Guest forfeits 100% of deposit.All stay reserved and shortened or anyservices not consumed, due to client decision and for any reason, is notrefundable.All cabins that have been secured bycredit/debit card or prepaid at the time of booking will he held until 11:59 PMon the scheduled day of arrival unless otherwise agreed directly with the Resort. Reservations are personal and can in nocase be transferred to a third party, whether free, at a cost, or forcommercial purposes. 

Changes or Cancellation by theCompany

 In the occasion that the Resort isnecessitated to cancel your Booking, you will be given a full refund but weshall have no further liability to you arising out of such cancellation.  We will, however, use reasonable endeavors totry and re-locate any confirmed Booking cancelled by us to an alternativelocation similar in standard to the Resort.Your booking is for a cabin in the Resortand does not guarantee that you will be able to stay in a specific cabin or inthe same cabin for the duration of your stay. If you have indicated apreference for a particular cabin, we will use our reasonable efforts to honorthis preference. However, we may need to allocate an alternative cabin to youfor operational or safety reasons. If we need to move you to a different cabinduring your booking for which a lower rate is available than the rate youbooked at, we will refund you the difference in the rates. 

Lost & Found 

 Should any guests lose personal belongingswhile staying at the Resort, if recovered, the item will be recorded as‘found’. Resort keeps detailed records of all ‘found’ items, and will make areasonable effort to contact the guest if an item is left in the Resort’s guestcabin after the guest has checked-out which will be placed in our Lost &Found store/safe box. We will ship items back at the owner’s expense uponrequest. Any items, which are not claimed within ninety (90) days, will bedonated to a local charity or discarded. 

Guest’s Valuables / Articles

 The Resort’s Management will not in any waywhatsoever be responsible for any loss / or damage to the Guest’s valuable/article. 

Guest’s Belongings in cabins

 The Resort’s Management will not in any waywhatsoever be responsible for any loss / or damage to the Guest’s belongings orany other property from either the Resort accommodation any other part of theResort for any cause whatsoever including theft of pilferage.  

Damage to Resort Property

 The guest will be held responsible for anyloss or damage to the Resort property caused by themselves, their guests or anyperson for whom they are responsible. We reserve the right and you hereby authorizeus to charge your credit or debit card for any damage incurred to your cabin orthe Resort during your stay (including without limitation specialist cleaning)or for any items that are missing when you leave. 


 Dependent on your individual needs aspecifically designed cabin is provided at our Resort. Please contact us at clientrelations@roundlakeresort.comto discuss specific individual requirements and the availability of appropriateaccommodation, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. 


 Guests staying at the Resort under thecondition of using the facilities is that you must comply with the facility’srules including Child Policy. Charges may apply for use of some facilities,please enquire at the Resort for further details.At certain times, facilities may become unavailabledue to maintenance, adverse weather conditions or other reasons beyond ourcontrol. We will attempt to keep allResort guests informed of these circumstances however this may not always bepossible. If any facility is asignificant reason for your choice of Resort, we would advise you to checkdirectly with the Resort in advance of arrival. 


 All children (a person under 20 years ofage or other ages base on of each Resort policy) staying at the Resort must beaccompanied by an adult and must be supervised by an adult at all times. 


 The Resort has its own car space. Terms andconditions may also apply to car space use. Please contact the Resort directly for more information. Cars and theircontents are left at the owner’s/customer’s own risk. We do not acceptresponsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents, eitherinternal or external. 

Fire Safety Policy 

 The Resort is equipped with fireextinguishers in all cabins. Evacuation plans are available in all the cabins.   

Pet Policy 

 Pets are allowed on the Resort premises inagreement and compliance with the Resort Pet Policy.The Resort has its own family pets andshould a guest be concerned, please contact management and discuss.  

Smoking Policy

 Smoking is prohibited in all the enclosedareas within the Resort without exception. This includes guest cabins, and allother enclosed facilities and areas. Smoking is only allowed at designatedsmoking areas in agreement and compliance with the Resort Smoking Policy. If a smoking violation occurs in a cabin,the client will be charged an $50,000.00 non-refundable fee. We appreciate yourcooperation in ensuring that our guests and employees are not subject to secondhand smoke.  


 The Resort’s Management reserves the rightto require a guest to leave if he/she is causing a disturbance, annoying otherguests or Resort staff or is behaving in an unacceptable manner. Guests are requested to conduct themselvesappropriately at all times and to comply with Company procedures and/orrequests with regard to conduct and respect for the property of the Resort, itsemployees and guests and their health and safety.  Guests are requested not to disrupt thecomfort and enjoyment of other guests, the smooth running of the Resort, orcause offence to other guests or our members of staff.  We reserve the right to refuse accommodationor services or remove you and members of your party from the Resort if, in ourreasonable opinion, we consider this provision to have been breached. Wherethis is the case shall have no obligation to refund you for lost accommodation,other services or any other loss or expense incurred. 

Housekeeping Service

 We provide housekeeping service in the cabinsas subject to each booking arrangement. We have a mandatory housekeepingservice and maintenance check if your stay exceeds 7 days. In such case,the Resort management will notify of the expected housekeeping service andmaintenance check. Applicable fees (subject to change) may be added ifextra housekeeping and maintenance services are required during your stay atRound Lake Resort. 

Equipment Rental

 The Resort provides Kayaks, life jackets, andpaddles for a fee, which may change in price as per current Resort rates. If rented equipment is not returned, orreturned in a damaged condition, cost of repair or replacement will be chargedas per the Client Rental Equipment Damage Rates Policy. 

Relation between Management andGuest

 Nothing herein above shall continue or bedeemed to constitute, or create any tenancy or sub-tenancy, or any other rightto interact in the Resort premises or any part of portion thereof, in favor ofany Guest or resident or visitor, and the Management shall always be deemed tobe in full and absolute possession of the whole of the Resort premises.  

Government rules andregulations & application of laws

 Guest are requested to observe, abide byconfirm to and be bound by all applicable acts and laws and Government rulesand regulations in force from time to time.  

Force Majeure

 The Resort accepts no liability for failureor delay to perform obligations, which have become practicably impossiblebecause of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Resort. Suchcircumstances include without limitation flood; earthquake; extreme adverseweather conditions; natural disaster; other acts of God; acts of terrorism;fire or failure of electrical power; gas; water; or other utility service;plant machinery; computers; vehicles or any collapse of building structures;labor disputes or stoppages; war; government acts or orders; epidemics,pandemics or outbreak of communicable disease; quarantines; national orregional emergencies; or any other cause, whether similar in kind to theforegoing or otherwise, beyond the Resort’s reasonable control. Written notice of the Resort’s failure ordelay in performance due to force majeure will be given to the guest no laterthan five (5) business days following the force majeure event commencing, whichnotice shall describe the force majeure event and the actions taken to minimizethe impact thereof. All delivery dates under this Agreement affected by forcemajeure shall be tolled for the duration of such force majeure.The parties hereby agree, when feasible,not to cancel but reschedule the pertinent obligations and deliverables formutually agreed dates as soon as practicable after the force majeure conditionceases to exist. 

Limitation of Liability

 To the maximum extent permitted by any law,the Resort specifically excludes any and all liability for any direct,indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in anyway connected with the access to and use of, availability of or inability to accessto and use of this website, or the information, products and services obtainedthrough this website, the submission of any personal information, including,but not limited to, bank and credit card details, the performance ornon-performance by the Resort, or any unauthorized access or breach of securityinto this website through the internet or otherwise arising, whether based oncontract, strict liability, tort (including negligence), product liability orotherwise even if the Resort or its agents or employees have been advised ofthe possibility of such damages.The Company will not be liable for anyindirect, consequential or pure economic loss or any loss of profit, goodwillor opportunity (whether caused by the negligence of the Company, its employees,contractor or agents or otherwise). The Company’s total liability shall notexceed the value of the charges received by it under the Contract. Nothing contained in the Contract or in anyother document referred to or incorporated in it shall be read or construed asexcluding any liability for death or personal injury caused by the Company’snegligence or liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation 

Web Site Information

 While all reasonable efforts have beentaken to ensure the accuracy of information on the Websites, the Company doesnot accept responsibility for errors or omissions and reserve the right toamend, cancel or vary any of the arrangements featured on the Websites withoutnotice. Please note that in certain circumstances, generic photographic imageshave been used to represent the general style of a particular product orResort.The content of the Websites is thecopyright of the Company, and may not be copied, reproduced, published,distributed or amended for any other purpose without our prior written consent.Trademarks used on the Websites are theproperty of the respective owners. Hyperlinks to third party websites areprovided for your convenience. We cannot accept responsibility for the contentor use of third party sites. TheWebsites are operated by the Company. 

Customer Service

 Customer Service is available to handle anycomplaints relating to Resort reservations. Please contact us by sending emailto  The Resort has a zero tolerance policy inwhich it will refuse to admit or refuse service or accommodation in the Resortor may remove a person who: while on the premises of the Resort acts in anobviously intoxicated or disorderly manner, destroys or threatens to destroyResort property, or causes or threatens to cause a public disturbance; orrefuses or is unable to pay for the accommodations or services. Round Lake Resort may limit the number ofpersons who may occupy a particular guest cabin in the Resort and will onlyallow registered guests to use its facilities.  A person who negligently or intentionallycauses damage to the Resort or any furniture or furnishings within the Resort,shall be liable for damages sustained by the Resort staff, including theResort’s loss of revenue resulting from the inability to rent or lease cabinswhile the damage is being repaired. THE RESORT’S MANAGEMENT RESERVES TO ITSELFTHE RIGHT TO ADD TO, OR ALTER OR AMEND ANY OF THE ABOVE TERMS, CONDITIONS ANDRULES WHICH ARE A PART AND AN ABSTRACT OF THE LODGING ACT. 

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